Event Details


This event has reached registration capacity. Please register here for the waitlist.

Each year, Christmas in the City brings holiday magic to thousands of Boston-area kids and their families – kids and families who’ve been experiencing the uncertainty of homelessness and the stress of poverty. This winter wonderland extravaganza includes plenty of kid-friendly entertainment, plus incorporates health screenings and dental exams they might not have access to otherwise. Our opportunity as volunteers is to help the kids and their families fully enjoy everything the fun-filled day has to offer! 

DATE: Sunday, December 16, 2018
TIME: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ** This is an all-day event and the time commitment is for the full day.
LOCATION:Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, 415 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210
NOTE: Limited to 20 registrants, must be 16 year and older.