How Well Do You Know Cornell? 1) On what building do these heads appear? Schoellkopf Memorial Hall Ives Hall East Olin Library Cascadilla Hall None 2) Where is this wrought-iron flora? Minns Garden Ruth Uris Garden Cornell Botanic Gardens Dean's Garden None 3) This is the exterior of what building? Biotechnology Building Weill Hall Duffield Hall Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts None 4) Of what is this a detail? A.D. White statue, Arts Quad “Walking Man II” sculpture, Johnson Museum Ezra Cornell statue, Arts Quad “The Young Lincoln” statue, Uris Library None 5) This is on what building’s façade? Tjaden Hall Baker Lab Barnes Hall Olin Hall None 6) Where can this be found? Anabel Taylor Hall Sage Chapel War Memorial, between Lyon and McFaddin halls Goldwin Smith Hall None 7) Of what is this is a closeup? Sundial, Engineering Quad “Herakles in Ithaca I” sculpture, next to Statler Hotel “Invitation to the Dance” sculpture, Lab of Ornithology “Bookstack” sculpture, behind Sibley Hall None 8) Where is this carving? Rockefeller Hall Temple of Zeus, Klarman Hall Mann Library Willard Straight Hall None 9) Where is this colorful tile? Sage Chapel Uris Library Sage Hall Day Hall None 10) What building sports these bas reliefs? Willard Straight Hall King-Shaw Hall Morrison Hall Wing Hall None 11) Where is this statue? Goldwin Smith Hall Temple of Zeus, Klarman Hall Johnson Museum Sage Chapel None 12) Of what artwork is this is a close-up? “Feeding the Birds” sculpture, Minns Garden “Song of the Vowels” sculpture, between Uris and Olin libraries “Double Variation” sculpture, Johnson Museum lawn “Passenger Pigeon” sculpture, Lab of Ornithology None Time's up