boardoftrustees 1) Which Ivy League school has the largest board of trustees? Harvard Yale Cornell Brown None 2) How many active trustees serve on Cornell’s board? 24 48 56 64 None 3) What’s the minimum number of times per year the full board must meet? 2 4 6 8 None 4) As stipulated by its charter, the board includes six trustees representing which three New York State industries? Agriculture, labor, and business Media, finance, and agriculture Tourism, media, and finance Labor, media, and agriculture None 5) Which of the following state officials does NOT have a spot on Cornell’s board as an ex-officio (“by virtue of their office”) trustee? Governor State Senate majority leader Speaker of the Assembly Comptroller None 6) Which of these is NOT a responsibility of the Board of Trustees? Approving the operating budget Setting tuition and financial aid policy Declaring the University closed for inclement weather Choosing the president None 7) A representative position from which campus constituency was the most recent addition to the board? Alumni Faculty Staff Students None 8) Which University leader also serves as a trustee? Provost President Dean of the Faculty Ombudsman None 9) Cornell’s charter stipulates that alumni could elect a representative to the board once there were how many total graduates? 100 250 500 1,000 None 10) What year did Cornell alumni reach that number and elect a trustee? 1874 1889 1904 1919 None 11) What’s the minimum age to serve as a Cornell trustee? None is specified 18 20 21 None 12) The charter originally stipulated that the University’s life trustee be the eldest male lineal descendent of the Founder; when did the role become gender-neutral? 1969 1978 1984 1999 None Time's up