In Memoriam May 2022 The University recently learned of the passing of these Cornellians 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 1930s ’36 BA—S. Montague Miller of Basking Ridge, NJ, 2016; worked at Merck & Co. Kappa Delta Rho. ’36—John H. Whiteford Jr. of Wassaic, NY, November 28, 2006; active in alumni affairs. ’37 BA—Edith Bergstein Geller of New York City, 1998. Alpha Epsilon Phi. ’37 BS Ag—Janet Coolidge Hall of Orange City, FL, formerly of Cocoa Beach, FL, December 1, 2010; homemaker; also worked as an artist in the College of Agriculture, Cornell U.; figure skater and avid gardener. Delta Gamma. ’37 BS Ag—Chalmers B. Hering of Union Springs, NY, February 15, 1987; operated poultry farms in Oneonta and Locke, NY; member, Cayuga County Farm Bureau and the Northeast Poultry Assn.; enjoyed antique motorcycles; active in professional, religious, and alumni affairs. ’37 PhD—Alvin W. Hofer of Worthington, OH, formerly of Geneva, NY, May 25, 1983; associate professor of bacteriology, Geneva Experiment Station, Cornell U.; director of research, Agricultural Laboratories Inc.; studied the effects of bacteriophage, a virus that destroys bacteria, on the yield of peas in NYS; one of the first to discover that bacteriophage could be seen through an ordinary light microscope; active in civic, community, and religious affairs. ’37 BA—Charles Kaplan of Seattle, WA, April 18, 2008; pediatrician in the University District; adjunct faculty member, U. of Washington Medical School; veteran; president, Jewish Community Center, Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and American Jewish Committee; advocate for sex education; enjoyed international travel; active in community, professional, and religious affairs. ’37 PhD—Kenneth E. Maxwell of Huntington Beach, CA, August 1, 2014; worked in the chemical industry at Shell Oil and other companies; also taught science courses at Cal State Long Beach and authored several textbooks; veteran; oldest living author on record in 2013; authority on North American desert flora and fauna; enjoyed international travel, astronomy, birdwatching, and photography. ’37 MS—Edwin T. Moul of Falmouth, MA, formerly of New Brunswick, NJ, April 1988; phycologist and professor of botany and of biology, Rutgers U.; taught marine algae courses in the summer at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory; also lectured at Fairleigh Dickinson U. and the U. of Delaware Marine Laboratory; president, Phycological Society of America and Torrey Botanical Society; botanical collector and naturalist; enjoyed classical opera and dance. ’37 BS HE—Ruth Slocum Muth of Elmira, NY, August 1986. ’37 BA—Willa B. Percival of Sandy Spring, MD, February 3, 2009. ’37, BME ’38—Jacob B. Perkins II of Chardon, OH, October 24, 1992; CEO/president. Alpha Delta Phi. ’37 BS Ag, PhD ’41—Paul A. Smith of Denver, CO, July 20, 2011; microbiologist; founder of the PASCO lab, which revolutionized the diagnostic media industry by using computers; veteran. Psi Upsilon. ’37 BS Ag—Charles E. Van Nostrand of Walpole, ME, July 7, 2006; career high school teacher; also worked for the New York World’s Fair; short-wave enthusiast; enjoyed walking, bicycling, and swimming. Editor’s note: The large number of entries from the Class of ’37—many of them reporting deaths that occurred years ago—are due to the University’s annual updating of records for the oldest classes. Back to the top 1940s ’41 BS HE—Dolores Dirlam Daudt of Midland, MI, July 1, 2021; homemaker; assistant director of halls, Vassar College; teacher, Wellsville (NY) High School; member, AAUW and Lioness Club; enjoyed cooking and baking, giving hospitality, domestic train trips (documented in extensive journals), and international travel; active in community and religious affairs. Alpha Omicron Pi. ’45, BA ’44, MD ’47—Aaron H. Esman of New York City and West Stockbridge, MA, March 21, 2022; psychiatrist and psychoanalyst; chief of adolescent psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College; lecturer and teacher, Austin Riggs Center (Stockbridge, MA) and Columbia School of Social Work; member, teacher, and president, New York Psychoanalytic Inst.; chief psychiatrist, Jewish Board of Guardians (now Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services); author; enjoyed art, music, and literature; active in artistic and professional affairs. Zeta Beta Tau. ’45, BArch ’44—Frances M. Shloss of Beverly Hills, CA, February 11, 2022; architect, Victor Gruen Assocs., Los Angeles; also worked in New York City and Des Moines; worked for the U.S. Navy drafting ship blueprints; pilot in the Civil Air Patrol in Washington, DC; pen and ink and watercolor artist; scratch golfer and golf club salesperson; class correspondent; enjoyed travel, cats, and driving her ’72 Chevy Impala convertible; active in civic, community, religious, and alumni affairs. ’47 BS HE—Janet Kennedy Brinkman of Newtown, CT, March 3, 2022; realtor, William Pitt Sotheby; career Betty Crocker employee; accomplished tennis player and pianist; enjoyed literature and book clubs, international travel, music, and theater; active in religious affairs. Delta Delta Delta. ’48 BCE—Philip E. Silberberg of West Bridgewater, MA, February 27, 2022; entertainment and contracts law attorney; veteran; enjoyed travel, stamp collecting, and photography; active in charitable, community, and professional affairs. Tau Epsilon Phi. ’49, BArch ’50—Robert W. Corbett of Austin, TX, formerly of Annapolis, MD, January 10, 2022; urban designer in Annapolis and Boston; award-winning architect, Corbett/Assocs. in Jackson, WY; also worked for firms in North Carolina, Indiana, and Colorado; veteran; advocate for communal and environmentally sensitive living space designs; avid sailor; active in artistic, civic, community, and alumni affairs. Alpha Tau Omega. Back to the top 1950s ’50 BEE—James W. Armour Jr. of Gladwyne, PA, February 10, 2022; owner/operator, Quick Courier Service, an international courier business; VP of corporate development, Novo Corp., NYC; also worked at Electro Science Investors (Dallas), Pennsylvania-Bradford Appliance Corp. (Philadelphia), and Lowell Electric Light Corp.; veteran; enjoyed travel, tennis, skiing, hiking, and bridge. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. ’50, BS ILR ’55, EdD ’69—John M. Brown Jr. of Saratoga Springs, NY, and Silver Bay, NY, February 21, 2022; lifelong educator and volunteer; dean of students, Ithaca College; director of academic advising, SUNY Binghamton, Harpur College; assistant to the dean of men, Cornell U.; avid gardener; enjoyed cultural excursions and social groups; active in civic, community, and religious affairs. Psi Upsilon. ’50 JD—Herbert D. Feinberg of Monroe Township, NJ, and Murrells Inlet, SC, February 18, 2022; attorney in general practice; veteran; enjoyed travel, theater, art, dining out, old movies, skiing, and golf; active in charitable and community affairs. Wife, Ruth Simon Feinberg ’50. ’50 BS HE—Jane Kimberly Meyer of The Villages, FL, January 24, 2022; homemaker; enjoyed travel, gardening, golf, swimming, sailing, cooking, and entertaining. ’51 MA—Norma Kaake Hayman of Mequon, WI, and Minocqua, WI, January 31, 2022; homemaker; devoted pet owner and volunteer, Wisconsin Humane Society; enjoyed skiing, water sports, curling, classical music, and international travel. ’51 BME—Robert C. Mill of Westfield, NJ, November 19, 2021; management consultant in process safety and loss prevention; chief engineer, Exxon Chemical Worldwide; veteran; member and teacher of seamanship, piloting, and navigation, Watchung Power Squadron; enjoyed international travel, cruising, and fishing; active in community and religious affairs. Kappa Sigma. ’51 BA—Keith M. Seegmiller of Granite Bay, CA, formerly of Sacramento, CA, March 10, 2022; expert in law, business economics, and financial analysis; executive secretary, California Alternative Energy Source and the Pooled Money Investment Board; deputy executive secretary, California Pollution Control Financing Authority; also worked for United Alternative Energy Corp.; veteran; active in political and religious affairs. Delta Phi. ’51—Penelope Stillman Wolfe of Southwest Harbor, ME, February 6, 2022; homemaker; studied electrical engineering and counseling; co-founder, Seal Cove Auto Museum; philanthropist; enjoyed travel, photography, gardening, and cooking. Delta Gamma. ’52—Charlene Emerson Bostrom of Windsor, TX, formerly of Bethel, VT, March 20, 2022; homemaker; community benefactor; enjoyed international travel, cooking, gardening, and sailing. ’52 BS Ag—Marilyn Palmer Corwith of Greenport, NY, February 23, 2022; homemaker; co-operator, Corwith Farms in Water Mill, NY; member, Sweet Adelines; enjoyed travel, puzzles, and reading; active in community and religious affairs. ’52 BA—Donald S. Otto of Harpswell, ME, April 2020. Alpha Chi Rho. ’52 BS Ag—John H. Talmage of Riverhead, NY, February 14, 2022; served on the boards of Central Suffolk Hospital, LILCO, Hood Dairies, Agway, and Suffolk County Federal Savings & Loan; veteran; enjoyed restoring and flying biplanes; active in alumni affairs. Alpha Zeta. ’52, BME ’53—Arthur H. Wilder of Penn Yan, NY, formerly of Hammondsport, NY, February 18, 2022; founder, Art Wilder Construction, a home building business; career Corning Glass Works employee; veteran; head of the restoration shop, Curtiss Aviation Museum; pilot and president, OX-5 Club, Curtiss Wing; avid sailor and iceboater; enjoyed attending airshows and deep-sea fishing. Alpha Sigma Phi. ’53, BEP ’54—T. Richard Halberstadt of Montgomery, OH, February 7, 2022; design specialist, management systems division, Procter & Gamble; class correspondent, Reunion chair, and Cornell U. Lab of Ornithology supporter; author; enjoyed international travel, coaching, golf, and birding; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. Wife, Margaret Jones Halberstadt ’56. Sigma Chi. ’53 BS Hotel—Henry L. Langknecht Jr. of Hanover, PA, February 24, 2021; food service purchasing manager; president, Woodhaven Foods division at Aramark; enjoyed choir singing, crossword puzzles, and woodworking; active in religious and alumni affairs. ’53 BS HE—Edith Ann “Thann” Skillicorn Miglore of Naperville, IL, March 14, 2022; homemaker; taught cooking, sewing, and other skills at Cornell Cooperative Extension; volunteer, League of Women Voters and Habitat for Humanity; active in religious affairs. ’53 MEd—Cynthia Margetts Robinson of Mendham, NJ, January 9, 2022; founder, Robin Hill Flowers, a flower arranging business; teacher, Madison, East Orange, and Mendham borough school districts; also developed programs for gifted students; preservationist; advocate for environmental, historical, and horticultural causes; painter; enjoyed tennis, golf, and bridge; active in civic, community, and religious affairs. ’53 BS Ag—Robert E. Sjogren of Lake Monticello, VA, February 27, 2022; professor of microbiology and molecular genetics, U. of Vermont College of Medicine and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; chair, Dept. of Microbiology and Biochemistry; veteran; mixed media artist; enjoyed museums, art shows, and staying current in microbiology and physics; active in religious affairs. ’53, BA ’54—Thomas L. Tweedale of Brussels, Belgium, formerly of Eastpointe, MI, December 8, 2021; expert in international banking; worked at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC; bank examiner, Cleveland Federal Reserve; VP, Republic Nat’l Bank of Dallas, TX, Int’l Division, Brussels, Belgium office; veteran; enjoyed international living in Europe and South America. Tau Kappa Epsilon. ’53, BCE ’55—Donald E. Unbekant of Sarasota, FL, February 3, 2022; licensed professional engineer; executive VP of civil and environmental construction, Perini Construction Corp. in Boston; also worked at Cayuga Construction Co.; president, General Contractors Assn. of New York; painter; enjoyed music and choral singing; active in professional and alumni affairs. Watermargin. Wife, M. Eloise Mix Unbekant ’54. ’54—John D. Berry of Watkins Glen, NY, February 19, 2022; worked in the School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell U.; veteran; avid golfer. ’54 BS Nurs—Rosemarie A. Bosco of New Hartford, CT, March 16, 2022; quality improvement coordinator, Visiting Nurse Services of Connecticut Inc.; also worked in the home care department at St. Francis Hospital, Winsted, and at the V.A. hospital in Los Altos, CA; nursing supervisor, New York Hospital; enjoyed travel, museums, Broadway shows, reading, and needlepoint; active in alumni affairs. ’54 MRP, MPA ’55—Richard J. Dunn of Oberlin, OH, February 16, 2022; VP of development and alumni affairs, Oberlin College; VP and CEO of Gilford Instruments; city manager, City of Oberlin; assistant city manager, Oak Park, IL; also pursued business opportunities in the private sector in Montclair, NJ; active in community and religious affairs. ’54 MEd—Carol Condie Stout of Catoosa, OK, January 22, 2022; founder, consulting archaeology company Quivira Research Center; education coordinator, director, and board member of the Division of Interpretation, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, U. of New Mexico; expert in the Zuni, Navajo, and Apache languages; advocate for the preservation of archaeological sites and resources; active in professional affairs. ’55—Elaine Adler-Amrani of Lakewood, NJ, February 28, 2022; education supervisor, elementary and high school teacher, and bilingual ESL instructor in New Jersey and California; fluent in many languages; lifetime member of several New Jersey bilingual education organizations; enjoyed international travel and cuisine, swimming, cruises, puzzles, and card games; active in professional affairs. ’55 BS Ag, MS ’56—Arthur P. Cooley of Grand Junction, CO, formerly of Patchogue, NY, January 30, 2022; high school biology teacher, naturalist, and expedition leader; co-founder and chairman, Environmental Defense Fund; won court orders that blocked the use of DDT in the 1960s, winning a nationwide ban in 1972. ’55—Herbert P. LeFevre of Tarrytown, NY, June 2, 2019; commercial food service equipment specialist; worked for Vulcan Hart Corp., IBM, and Marriott; veteran; conservationist and outdoorsman; enjoyed hiking in the Adirondacks, fishing, and golf; active in community affairs. ’55 BA, MD ’59—John F. Morris of Honolulu, HI, October 19, 2016; president and CEO, Queen’s Health Systems; physician in private practice; associate professor of medicine, John A. Burns Medical School, U. of Hawaii; also practiced internal medicine and gastroenterology with Maui Medical Group; veteran, Army Medical Corps; Cornell Sports Hall of Fame inductee; enjoyed international travel, reading, and golf; active in religious affairs. Zeta Psi. Wife, Nancy Harper Morris ’56. ’55—Hugh M. Pettigrew of Bethesda, MD, April 28, 2020; mathematical statistician at the Environmental Protection Agency, Nat’l Cancer Inst. (NIH), and Nat’l Bureau of Standards; member of SAG-AFTRA, performing numerous roles in community theater productions; enjoyed international travel; active in religious affairs. Triangle. ’55—Lloyd K. Powers of Penn Yan, NY, October 29, 2020; active in religious affairs. ’56 MS, PhD ’58—Alden D. Josey of Wilmington, DE, February 4, 2022; Jungian psychologist in private practice; also taught in the Jungian Institutes in Philadelphia and New York and lectured in the US and abroad; formerly a research chemist and manager, DuPont Experimental Station; published technical papers and held seven patents; veteran; accomplished musician; enjoyed domestic and international travel, stained glass, and photography; active in community and professional affairs. ’56 BA—Peter J. Thaler of Los Angeles, CA, February 2022; orthopaedic surgeon; board member, California Orthopaedic Assn.; active in alumni affairs. ’57 BA—Matthew J. Brewer of San Diego, CA, November 2020; founder and chairman, Pioneer Centres Inc., operators of automobile dealerships in California and Colorado. Theta Delta Chi. ’57 BA—Frederick W. Krieger III of Cincinnati, OH, January 16, 2022; small business advisor, Citizens Democracy Corps, US State Dept. in Ukraine and the Czech Republic; owner, Precision Tune franchise in Cincinnati; marketing and packaging specialist at DuPont, R.A. Jones, and FMC Corp.; member of several missionary organizations in Europe and the Philippines. Sigma Pi. ’57 BS Ag, MS ’64, PhD ’67—Samuel M. Leadley of Pavilion, NY, July 2, 2020; dairy consultant, Attica Veterinary Assocs.; expert in calf and heifer management; teacher/lecturer in North America and Europe; blog, newsletter, and “Calf Facts” resource library author; active in alumni affairs. ’57 MA—Valerie Fleming Turgeon of Lafitte, LA, January 2, 2022; clinical child psychologist focused on autistic and abused children; held faculty positions at Charity School of Nursing, U. of New Orleans, and Tulane U.; head, Newcomb Nursery and the Texas Children’s Project; advocate for social justice, child welfare, and the outdoors; avid equestrian; enjoyed canoeing and birding. ’57 LLB—John D. Tuttle of New York City, January 9, 2022; tax counsel, Texaco general counsel’s office and Ingersoll-Rand; also worked at the IRS and the Hiscock law firm (now Barclay Damon LLP); volunteer, New York Cares and many NYC food pantries; avid tennis player; enjoyed bridge, ballroom dancing, and travel; active in religious affairs. ’58, BCE ’64—Joel E. Blodgett of Des Moines, IA, November 13, 2021; civil engineer; worked at Laborers Int’l Union of North America, Peoria Contractors Assn., Des Moines Construction Council, EBY Construction, Kansas, and Dravo Corp., Pittsburgh; veteran. ’58, BS Ag ’59—Frank J. Falkowski Jr. of Lebanon, NJ, February 5, 2022; owner/director, Kara Biologicals; principal scientist in medical diagnostics, Ortho Diagnostics; instrumental in the development of tests for mononucleosis, pregnancy, and rapid blood typing; veteran; Boy Scout leader; enjoyed gardening, raising sheep, and the outdoors; active in community affairs. ’58 BS HE—Jane Parrish Hall of Florence, MA, October 31, 2021; worked in college administration at UMass Amherst, Smith College, and Holyoke Community College; assisted her minister husband in churches in Barre and Randolph, VT; avid reader and library volunteer; enjoyed cooking, card games, and crossword puzzles; active in community and religious affairs. Alpha Phi. ’58 MBA—Deforest P. Parker of Salem, MA, formerly of Swampscott, MA, February 26, 2022. ’58–60 GR—David F. Unumb of Arlington Heights, IL, February 22, 2022; communications/theater professor and chair, Dept. of Speech and Performing Arts, Northeastern Illinois U.; also taught at Boston U., Brown U., Kent State U., and Johns Hopkins U.; directed more than 100 plays and served on numerous academic councils and committees; created the Chicago radio program “Vantage Point”; gifted pianist; enjoyed literature and history; active in artistic and community affairs. ’58, BS Ag ’59—Ruth Schintzius Young of Horseheads, NY, March 15, 2022; biology and chemistry teacher, Corning East High School; president, Corning-Painted Post teachers union; formed the first ever recycling center in Corning, worked with her husband on renewable energy projects, and helped start the first functioning animal shelter in Schuyler County; political activist and voter registration advocate; avid bird watcher and organic gardener; enjoyed travel, Dixieland jazz music, and cats; active in civic, community, and alumni affairs. ’59 BA—Carolyn “Subie” Blostein Featherman of San Diego, CA, February 7, 2022; worked a variety of jobs in the Mission Hills-Hillcrest area; homemaker; Humane Society volunteer; enjoyed reading and socializing; active in civic, community, and alumni affairs. ’59—Jane Oliphant Green of Bayside, NY, June 7, 2017; homemaker. Alpha Epsilon Phi. ’59 BS HE—Nancy Stone Jenkins of Mt. Pleasant, SC, and Barnstable, MA, February 11, 2022; realtor, Howard Hannah Real Estate; elementary school teacher; homemaker; volunteer reading specialist on Cape Cod; enjoyed singing, gardening, tennis, paddle tennis, bridge, and the beach; active in civic, religious, and alumni affairs. Pi Beta Phi. Husband, Orin K. Jenkins ’58, B Chem E ’59. ’59 BA—Steve A. Kasten of Ossining, NY, 2022; geriatric psychiatrist. Sigma Alpha Mu. ’59—Judith Roth Meegan of Chagrin Falls, OH, March 19, 2022; homemaker; artist; enjoyed dressmaking, gardening, reading, and singing; active in community affairs. Sigma Kappa. ’59–60 GR—Nancy Bradley Morrow of Rockford, IL, formerly of Pismo Beach, CA, January 10, 2022; dean of girls and home economics teacher, Morro Bay High School and Franklin Junior High, Long Beach; enjoyed genealogy, piano, reading, sewing, sports, and travel; active in civic and religious affairs. ’59 BS Ag—Henry W. Parker of Bluffton, SC, formerly of Fairport, NY, February 19, 2022; owner, Hank Parker’s Rental Center; also worked at Carhart Photo and Harrison Radiator; veteran; created the Henry and Ruth Anne Parker Scholarship at Cornell U.; Boy Scout leader; enjoyed travel, boating, fishing, and gardening; active in community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. Theta Xi. ’59—Thomas A. Weatherley III of Colorado Springs, CO, February 15, 2022; computer systems analyst; worked for various tech companies and government contractors in Colorado, New York, Florida, North Dakota, Alaska, and California; enjoyed camping, fishing, golf, racquetball, ham radio, playing guitar, reading, and traveling to folk and bluegrass festivals. Back to the top 1960s ’60 MS—Cathrine Miller Goldberg of Plymouth, MI, February 18, 2022. ’60 LLB—John P. Gualtieri Jr. of Southern Shores, NC, February 28, 2022; attorney; senior VP and general counsel of five subsidiaries of the Prudential Insurance Co.; also worked in the Prudential law department in Los Angeles, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey; helped develop a continuing education program for registered sales representatives; community service and nonprofit volunteer; active in professional and religious affairs. ’61 DVM—Robert E. Jones of LeRoy, NY, and Hobe Sound, FL, January 8, 2022; veterinarian in the Genesee Valley; veteran; Rotarian; restoration carpenter, the LeRoy Historical Society; board member, Guatemalan Tomorrow Fund; enjoyed choir singing and golf; active in community, professional, and religious affairs. ’61 BA—Allan A. Metcalf of Jacksonville, IL, February 24, 2022; professor emeritus of English and journalism and chair of the English department, MacMurray College; world-renowned linguist and dialectologist; author of eight books on the English language, including an entire book on the word “OK”; executive secretary, American Dialect Society (ADS), where he originated the ADS’s “Word of the Year” vote; enjoyed baseball, music, and writing poetry; active in professional and alumni affairs. ’62 DVM—Robert O. Bixby of South Colton, NY, January 28, 2022; veterinarian and animal hospital founder, Norfolk, NY; member, Lions Club and St. Lawrence Power & Equipment Museum; enjoyed coaching girls’ hockey and restoring vintage big trucks and military airplanes. Delta Chi. Wife, Louise Young Bixby ’62. ’62 BS HE—Carole Finn Fisher of Simsbury, CT, formerly of Canton, CT, June 27, 2021; career teacher, Conard High School, West Hartford, CT; board member, Caroga Historical Assn. Museum; enjoyed international travel and culture, gardening, kayaking, and birdwatching; active in community and religious affairs. Kappa Delta. ’62, BCE ’64—Thomas P. Hoekelman of Erie, CO, formerly of Boulder, CO, March 2022; managing partner, New Architectural Consortium LLC; founder, Taos Art Group LLC; enjoyed camping, bike riding, and skiing. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. ’62 BS ILR—Richard J. Levine of Princeton, NJ, March 21, 2022; career professional with Dow Jones & Co. Inc.; board president, Dow Jones News Fund Inc., which aims to train the next generation of journalists; VP and executive editor, Dow Jones Newswires; reporter and columnist, Wall Street Journal; veteran; life member, Cornell U. Council and board chair, Cornell Alumni Magazine committee; advocate for the arts; avid tennis player; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Beta Sigma Rho. Wife, Neil Ann Stuckey Levine ’63. ’63 BS HE—Judith Green Blumberg of Cos Cob, CT, March 22, 2022; technical writer, software instruction manuals; homemaker; Greenwich chapter president, Hadassah, and chair, Zahal Shalom, which sponsors trips to the US for disabled Israeli veterans; enjoyed walking, singing, crossword puzzles, and flowers. Sigma Delta Tau. ’63 MPA—Vito F. Rallo of Shrewsbury, MA, March 17, 2022; health systems administrator; president, Roger Williams Hospital, Providence, RI; president, Cincinnati General Hospital, which he helped turn into the U. of Cincinnati Medical Center Hospital; administrator, Tufts New England Medical Center (now Tufts Medical Center) and Yale-New Haven Hospital; veteran; member, Knights of Columbus; enjoyed travel and sailing; active in community and religious affairs. ’63 BS HE—Joyce Hollander Senzel of Seattle, WA, February 13, 2022. ’64 BA, MAT ’67—Alicia Buerger Lewkowicz of Ithaca, NY, February 2, 2022; homemaker; worked in primary education; enjoyed ornithology and birdwatching, literature, hiking, and reading; active in community affairs. Pi Beta Phi. ’65 BS HE—Mary “Betsy” Hinkle Brandt of Honolulu, HI, March 5, 2022; teacher, U. of Hawaii Dept. of Education; graduate research fellow, East-West Center, studying young children’s learning and development embedded in family and culture; enjoyed painting, writing poetry, literature, and travel. Delta Gamma. Husband, George W. Brandt ’64, MBA ’65, JD ’72. ’65 BS HE—Deborah Hoyt Eisenhard of Springville, NY, December 18, 2021; homemaker; studied food and nutrition. Kappa Delta. Husband, Carl L. Eisenhard ’65, DVM ’69. ’66 PhD—George C. Emery of Hollister, CA, February 20, 2022; award-winning snap bean developer and lettuce breeder, Ferry Morse Seed Co., San Juan Bautista, CA; veteran; bred and developed the “Tastemaster” tomato in retirement; enjoyed golf; active in professional and religious affairs. Wife, Lise Martin Emery, GR ’61–63. ’66 PhD—William L. Harrington of Hightstown, NJ, February 25, 2022; co-founder, Evans East Lab (now Evans Analytical Group); also worked at RCA Laboratories in Princeton; first US recipient of a PhD specializing in Spark Source Mass Spectrometry; member, Lions Club; stained glass artist; enjoyed golf and travel; active in civic and religious affairs. ’66—John M. Lewkowicz of Ithaca, NY, February 2, 2022; director emeritus, Cornell Veterinary Computing Service; glass- and woodworker; enjoyed botany, horticulture, hiking, plant and wildlife photography, bluegrass and country music, and the visual arts. ’67 PhD—Robert H. Badgley of Round Rock, TX, January 11, 2022; licensed professional engineer; director of engineering, TECO Westinghouse Motor Co.; president, Xebec Corp.; executive VP, Dynamic Science Inc.; veteran. ’67 BS Hotel—Gerald L. Dreher of Brookline, MA, December 1, 2021; director of dining and conference services, John Hancock; chair, American Inst. of Food and Wine, Boston chapter; vice chair and education and outreach officer, Boston Symphony Assn. of Volunteers; enjoyed summers in the Berkshires; active in professional and alumni affairs. ’67 MBA—Robert B. Melikian of New York City, August 28, 2020. ’67, BS Ag ’68—William F. Newell of Alexandria, VA, January 24, 2022; career agricultural economist; branch chief in the dairy program of the Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA; Mason; enjoyed bowling and Washington Capitals hockey; active in alumni affairs. Pi Kappa Phi. ’67 JD—Ira I. Roxland of New York City, February 4, 2022; business attorney; mentor; train buff and model ship builder; active in professional and alumni affairs. Zeta Beta Tau. ’68 MBA—Roger R. Hinchliffe of Portland, ME, January 21, 2022; worked as a translator and film subtitler for Swedish television in Stockholm; recording artist; baritone who sang with groups in Sweden and toured with Pete Seeger, Tom Paxton, Buffy Sainte-Marie, and others; Peace Corps volunteer; advocate for Portland youth in music and sports; active in community affairs. Wife, Karen Soderberg Hinchliffe, MBA ’89. ’68 MA—David B. Macklin of Wayland, MA, January 9, 2022; statistician, Cornell U., working on the Social Psychiatry Project in Nigeria and Nova Scotia and at the Learning Skills Center, COSEP; also worked as a scheduler for Gadabout, the community transportation service; author; avid reader; enjoyed classical music and opera, cross-country skiing, canoeing, and serving as an official for the annual Heptagonal Championships at Cornell. ’68 JD—Peter Mound of Santee, CA, November 3, 2018; family law attorney in private practice; also practiced law with the NYC Corporate Counsel’s Office. ’68 MD—John B. Winfield of Chapel Hill, NC, March 1, 2022; rheumatologist, Appalachian Regional Rheumatology and Caldwell Memorial Hospital; director, Alvin Daughtridge Arthritis Center, Lenoir, NC; professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, U. of North Carolina; founding director, Thurston Arthritis Research Center, UNC; also taught at U. of Virginia; expert in lupus, autoimmunity, and fibromyalgia; enjoyed international travel, motorcycle racing, golf, scuba diving, backgammon, and music. ’69 PhD—Donald G. Ring of Arlington Heights, IL, and Sawyer, MI, March 18, 2022; educator and administrator; assistant superintendent, Deerfield/Highland Park District; principal, Niles West and Elk Grove high schools; taught at Arlington and Wheeling high schools; enjoyed the beach, swimming, and gardening; active in professional and religious affairs. Back to the top 1970s ’71 BS Ag—Allen C. Dittenhoefer of Sparta, NJ, February 24, 2022; senior VP of environmental consulting, Enviroplan Consulting (now Montrose Environmental); performed early field work on Mauna Loa in Hawaii, fostering a love for Hawaiian music and culture; published author and expert witness; accomplished athlete; enjoyed travel, golf, long walks, choir singing, and Penn State football; active in religious affairs. Alpha Gamma Rho. ’71 BA—David S. Glenwick of New York City, July 27, 2021; psychology professor, Fordham U.; expert in the areas of community psychology, preventive clinical child psychology, developmental disabilities, and the teaching of psychology; published more than 125 articles and book chapters and edited six books; member, American Psychological Assn.; enjoyed tennis, foreign films, and following sports; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’71 MS, PhD ’76—Robert D. Herman of Kansas City, MO, February 23, 2022; professor of public service leadership and management, Henry W. Bloch School of Management, U. of Missouri, Kansas City; pioneer in the study of nonprofit organization governance and effectiveness; also taught at U. of the Western Cape in South Africa; author and editor; recipient of several awards for research, teaching, and writing; enjoyed travel, music, political discourse, and reading mysteries and the history/philosophy of science; active in community and professional affairs. Wife, Charlotte Davis Herman, GR ’70–72. ’71—Jeffrey J. Hyland of Beverly Hills, CA, February 16, 2022; co-founder, Forbes Global Properties, an internet marketplace highlighting luxury homes; co-founder/partner, Hilton & Hyland luxury real estate brokerage; founder, Alvarez, Hyland & Young brokerage firm; real estate agent, Coldwell Banker and Mike Silverman & Assocs.; enjoyed skiing and surfing; active in professional affairs. ’71 PhD—Gaetano Lombardo of Providence, RI, March 21, 2022; independent venture capitalist; corporate executive in car manufacturing; physicist and operations research expert; served on the advisory council of Brown U. and on the board of the Providence Public Library; enjoyed reading and discourse on science, history, and the arts. ’71 PhD—John J. Miller of Brentwood, TN, formerly of Rockville, MD, March 1, 2022; professor, U. of Missouri, American U., Johns Hopkins U., and McDaniel College; systems engineer supporting NASA’s Apollo mission, US ballistic missile defense, the Dept. of Energy nuclear waste program, and other national initiatives; enjoyed youth sports coaching and Washington Nationals baseball; active in community and religious affairs. ’71 PhD—Conrad A. Reichert of St. Joseph, MI, February 28, 2022; professor, Dept. of Education, Andrews U.; clinical psychologist in private practice; veteran; enjoyed storytelling, writing, music, ham radio, outdoor recreation, farming, and motorcycles; active in community, religious, and alumni affairs. ’71 PhD—John B. Sullivan of Seattle, WA, July 25, 2021; professor emeritus of mathematics, U. of Washington; enjoyed old books and social discourse; active in alumni affairs. Wife, Jean Hedlund Sullivan ’68. ’72 MBA—Josias J. Cromwell II of Rehoboth Beach, DE, and Naples, FL, formerly of Sparks, MD, February 19, 2022; senior VP, marketing, Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Co. and consultant after its acquisition by PNC Bank; veteran; avid reader of history and Baltimore sports fan; enjoyed travel, golf, fishing, kayaking, and the Delaware shore. ’72 BS Ag, DVM ’76—Walter C. Jaworski of Northfield, MA, February 14, 2022; on the teaching faculty and coordinator of the veterinarian technician program, Holyoke Community College; veterinarian in private practice in Gardner and Athol, MA; enjoyed farming. ’72 PhD—Richmond T. “Toby” Page of Providence, RI, and Chocorua, NH, February 25, 2022; professor of economics and environmental studies, Brown U.; taught at UCLA and in the Environmental Quality Lab at Caltech; published expert on experimental economics, decision theory, and the health effects of environmental pollution; Peace Corps volunteer; president, Chocorua Lake Assn., where he addressed water quality issues with six federal, state, and local agencies; enjoyed a long-running storytelling group; active in professional affairs. ’72 BS Ag—William J. Snell of Holland Patent, NY, formerly of Jacksonville, FL, February 27, 2022; call management systems administrator, Convergys Communications; enjoyed Jaguars football and Yankees baseball; active in religious affairs. Pi Kappa Phi. ’72 PhD—Dennis G. Trelka of Coconut Creek, FL, January 28, 2022; professor of biology, department chair, and interim dean of students, Washington and Jefferson College; awarded Teacher of the Year; veteran; volunteer, Daggerwing Nature Center; avid racquetball player and Cleveland Browns fan; baseball and football coach. ’73 BS Ag—Douglas C. MacNeil of Geneva, NY, February 27, 2022; vegetable grower and marketer; worked at Odin Farms and Black Creek Farm and in crop variety research at Robson, Seminis, Seneca Vegetable Research, and the NYS Agricultural Experiment Station; environmentalist; enjoyed the Adirondack Mountains, farmers markets, roasting coffee beans, mowing his extensive lawn, and watching PBS and football; active in alumni affairs. Wife, Carol Richter MacNeil, MS ’76. ’74 PhD—William J. Cromartie Jr. of Galloway Township, NJ, February 15, 2022; faculty member, Dept. of Environmental Studies, Stockton State College (now Stockton U.), where he taught entomology, ecology, and general studies; enjoyed camping, birdwatching, land restoration, and contributing to ecological surveys of nature preserves; president, American Entomological Society. ’75 MArch—Theodore E. Garduque of Honolulu, HI, February 2, 2022; founder, Garduque Architects; fellow, AIA; enjoyed photography, sketching, skeet shooting, riding his Harley, and collecting. Chi Psi. ’76 BS Ag—Calvin R. Demler of Lander, WY, March 4, 2022; field engineer/designer and construction manager on municipal engineering and abandoned mine land reclamations in Colorado and Wyoming; co-founder, WAVE Products, an outdoor adventure equipment company; avid camper, hiker, and sailor; enjoyed travel, tinkering, remodeling, music, and animals. Sigma Nu. ’77 MBA—Paul J. Gallagher of Greenfield Township, PA, February 1, 2022; career financial services professional in Asia and Europe; the first elected expatriate member of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; also worked for the Scranton school district; member, YMCA board; marathon runner; youth soccer and basketball coach; enjoyed college football and international travel; active in community affairs. ’77 JD—Lynn I. Levine of Alexandria, VA, and Sarasota, FL, February 28, 2022; international intellectual property law and antitrust attorney; of counsel, Morrison & Foerster’s intellectual property group; director, Office of Unfair Import Investigations, US Int’l Trade Commission; mentor; recipient of the Presidential Rank Award; member of several arts organizations; avid horticulturalist; enjoyed international travel, boating, dogs, Mahjong, and Washington Capitals hockey; active in community affairs. ’78 BA—Warren C. Childs III of Natick MA, February 25, 2022; periodontist; enjoyed gardening, whiskey collecting, and animals. Theta Chi. ’78–80 GR—Johanna M. McKenna of Longmeadow, MA, February 28, 2022; education faculty, Elms College, Chicopee; also taught at American Int’l College and Cornell U.; principal, Bridge Street School in Northampton and the Gateway Regional School District; director of educational programs at Middlefield, Chester, and Worthington elementary schools; mentor and advocate; enjoyed music, poetry, horses, cats, genealogy, and Russian literature. Back to the top 1980s ’80 PhD—Sheila M. McCarthy of Ithaca, NY, formerly of Waterville, ME, January 11, 2022; professor or Russian language and literature, Colby College; also taught at Antioch College and Grinnell College; translator, Quaker United Nations Office, NYC; instrumental in establishing the Kotlas (Russia)–Waterville Sister City connection; advocate for adult and community education; enjoyed travel, reading, and time at the beach; active in community and religious affairs. ’80 JD—Robert F. Sharpe Jr. of Memphis, TN, February 4, 2022; founder, Encore, a network of independent consultants to nonprofits; president, the Sharpe Group, a consulting, training, and publishing business; attorney, Heiskell Donelson (now Baker Donelson); expert in the field of philanthropy and charitable gift planning; chairman of the philanthropy editorial board, Trusts & Estates magazine; co-authored the CGP Model Standards of Gift Valuation; enjoyed history, philosophy, genealogy, and soulful music; active in community and alumni affairs. ’82–83 GR—Mark A. Johnson of Les Eyzies, France, formerly of Seattle, WA, January 16, 2022; workshop leader and practitioner, constellation healing arts; founder, Seattle Constellations Inst.; psychotherapist; actor. ’82, BS ILR ’80—Mercedes A. Johnson of Ocean Pines, MD, January 22, 2022; medical coding professional and member, AAPC; worked in human resources, Pacific Gas & Electric; enjoyed spending time by the ocean; active in community and alumni affairs. ’83 BS Hotel—Ara S. Aftandilian of Topsfield and Mansfield-by-the-Sea, MA, August 19, 2021; career hotel manager and real estate developer; president and managing member, EssexNorth Hospitality, responsible for the first major development of the Portland, ME, waterfront; owner, Summit Hotel Properties; enjoyed running, biking, boating, skiing, and coaching; active in professional and alumni affairs. ’83 BA—Leslie Shuman Kramer of Buffalo, NY, February 24, 2022; attorney, civic leader, and community volunteer; chair, Campaign for Jewish Buffalo, president, Buffalo Jewish Federation, and a leader in Jewish organizations nationally; worked to bring improvements to the city of Sderot as part of Buffalo’s Project Renewal community in Israel. ’83 MS—James F. Krebs of Freeville, NY, February 13, 2022; aerospace and electrical engineer, Ithaco Space Systems, specializing in the design of magnetic torquer bars; senior electrical engineer and quality manager, Cayuga Astronautics; avid bridge player; enjoyed square dancing, nature, bird watching, and choir singing; active in civic, community, and religious affairs. ’88 BA—Cedric I. Bramble of Decatur, GA, February 16, 2022; professional photographer; retail salesman; marketing analyst at Telemundo, the American Spanish-language television network; editorial assistant, Research Institutes of America, a professional publishing company; enjoyed international travel, languages, cultures, and foods; active in artistic, religious, and alumni affairs. Wife, Sonia C. Parra Zuna ’89. ’89 MS, PhD ’91—James T. Fahey of Berlin, MA, February 26, 2022; president, HZO Co., Raleigh, NC; president, electronic materials business at DuPont in Marlborough, MA; handyman; baseball coach; enjoyed classic cars and music. Wife, Robin Miller Fahey, PhD ’95. Back to the top 1990s ’91 BS Ag—Brian M. Colson of Depew, NY, February 12, 2022; corporate attorney in the Baltimore/Washington area and litigator with several prestigious law firms; enjoyed sports, cooking, and hosting social gatherings. Chi Phi. ’92 MS—Stephen H. Westin of Charlotte, NC, February 6, 2022; computer engineer, Ford Motor Co.; enjoyed international travel. ’97, BS ORIE ’98—Christine Zieverink of Portland, OR, January 2022; senior software engineer and commodity manager, Intel Corp.; member and president, Junior League of Portland. Kappa Kappa Gamma. ’98 GR—Jay M. Jackman of Stanford, CA, January 17, 2022; psychiatrist; lawyer; worked in psychiatry and forensic psychiatry, Stanford U.; served as an expert witness on more than 250 capital cases; ran a drug treatment program in San Francisco; political activist who dedicated his medical and legal careers to social justice; member of several educational and Democratic Party boards and committees. Wife, Myra Hoffenberg Strober ’62. Back to the top 2000s ’09 PhD—Isao Fujimoto of Davis, CA, February 25, 2022; professor, Dept. of Human and Community Development, UC Davis; also spent summers teaching in Kyoto, Japan; founder, UC Davis Asian American studies department and founding member, Community Development program; veteran; completed his dissertation after nearly 50 years on hold; advocate for education, social justice, and the empowerment of marginalized communities; held leadership positions in several grassroots organizations; enjoyed international travel; active in professional affairs. Please submit notification of alumni deaths to: Top image: Jason Koski/Cornell University Published May 2, 2022