March 2023
The University recently learned of the passing of these Cornellians
’42, B Chem E ’43—Robert D. Ullrich of Hockessin, DE, December 16, 2022; vice president, Haveg Industries; manager of advanced planning, Hercules Inc., a chemical and munitions manufacturing company; veteran; community leader and volunteer, Cokesbury Village; active in alumni affairs. Sigma Chi.
’48 MS, PhD ’51—Thomas F. Carroll of Chevy Chase, MD, December 30, 2022; rural development consultant with the World Bank, United Nations, Ford Foundation, and others; adjunct professor of rural development, George Washington University; Latin America land reform advisor, InterAmerican Development Bank; also worked at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in D.C., Rome, and Chile; veteran; author; fluent in four languages; enjoyed international travel, cooking, gardening, music, and reading; active in religious and alumni affairs.
’48 BS ILR—Elliot B. Doft of Montreal, QC, November 15, 2021; vice president, Princeton Knitting Mills; veteran; enjoyed playing the cello, sculpting, concerts, theater, reading, and collecting and repairing old clocks and watches; active in alumni affairs.
’48 BA—Eleanor Hume Katz of Poughkeepsie, NY, January 12, 2023; accomplished artist and architectural designer; homemaker; developed and patented a gourmet dog treat; arts advocate and women’s rights activist. Alpha Epsilon Phi.
’48 BA—John F. Marion of Williamstown, MA, January 9, 2023; worked in radar systems and rocket guidance technology at Sperry and Raytheon, where he had a leading role in the development of the Patriot missile defense system; veteran; private plane owner and pilot; enjoyed ham radio, electronics, computers, model trains, and astronomy. Theta Delta Chi.
’48 BA—Joel Markowitz of New York City, January 1, 2023; Freudian psychiatrist in private practice; author and lecturer on psychohistory; veteran; enjoyed reciting poetry and jogging in Central Park. Alpha Epsilon Pi.
’48, BEE ’49—Gerald M. Sallus of Culver City, CA, October 8, 2022; attorney and consultant in private practice; veteran; member on several boards; enjoyed international travel, national parks, and reading; active in community, environmental, and alumni affairs. Alpha Epsilon Pi.
’49 B Chem E—Henry R. Bungay III of Troy, NY, January 13, 2023; professor emeritus of biochemical engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; also taught at Clemson University and Virginia Tech and held university residencies in Sweden, Portugal, and New Zealand; program manager, U.S. Department of Energy and National Science Foundation; vice president, Worthington Biochemical Corp.; biochemist, Eli Lilly & Co.; prolific technical author and editor; bridge Life Master, lyricist, private pilot, short-story writer, and accomplished poker player; active in professional and alumni affairs. Alpha Tau Omega.
’49 BS CALS—Joyce Teck Greene of Santa Barbara, CA, formerly of Chappaqua, NY, December 25, 2022; board chair, Hudson River Museum, supporting outreach and education in Westchester County; volunteer and benefactor for several community and cultural organizations; accomplished sailor and first woman commodore of the Beach Point Yacht Club, Mamaroneck, NY; record-setting jet pilot; avid reader; enjoyed international travel, skiing, tennis, paddle tennis, lawn bowling, and bridge; active in civic, educational, religious, and alumni affairs.
’49 BA—John H. Palmer of New Orleans, LA, December 25, 2022; financial services professional; vice president and manager of the North American mutual fund sales organization, Kidder Peabody; corporate secretary and board member, First Commerce Corp.; avid collector of Native American art and accomplished painter and potter; enjoyed opera and big band music; active in religious and alumni affairs. Phi Kappa Psi.
’50 BS CALS—Barbara Adams Edwards of Genoa, NY, December 21, 2022; laboratory bacteriologist, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University; co-owner/operator, Edwards Egg Farm; enjoyed choral singing; active in religious affairs.
’50 BA—Dickson G. Pratt of Portland, OR, December 7, 2022; president, Carr-Gottstein Properties, Anchorage, AK; manager of commercial real estate building projects in San Francisco and Honolulu, Dillingham Corp.; veteran; Rotarian and volunteer fireman; ham radio operator; taught computer skills and digital photography to seniors at the local library; enjoyed sailing, fishing, camping, canoeing, cross-country skiing, and bicycling; active in alumni affairs. Theta Xi.
’50 BA, MD ’53—Jack Richard of New York City, January 3, 2023; physician and medical coordinator, NYS Department of Health, Office of Professional Medical Conduct; professor of clinical medicine, departments of medicine, pharmacology, and public health, Weill Cornell Medicine; active in alumni affairs.
’50 BA—Richard Savitt of New York City, January 6, 2023; stockbroker and investment adviser, Lehman Brothers, Schroders, and Morgan Stanley; also worked in the oil business in Texas and Louisiana; Hall of Fame tennis champion who won both Wimbledon and the Australian Open singles championships in 1951, among numerous other U.S. and international tournaments; tennis mentor; active in alumni affairs. Pi Lambda Phi.
’50 BS CALS, MNS ’51, PhD ’54—Jerome P. Van Buren of Ithaca, NY, January 8, 2023; professor of food biochemistry, Cornell University; research scientist, NYS Agricultural Experiment Station; specialized in preserving the nutritional value of foods, improving their marketability, and introducing crop strategies to reduce famine risk; veteran; internationalist and civil rights activist; enjoyed wildflower gardens and birdwatching. Wife, Mary Sheptak Van Buren ’49.
’50 BFA—Elizabeth Severinghaus Warner of Rosemont, PA, December 18, 2022; life member, Cornell University Council; accomplished chef, avid golfer, and dynamic raconteur; enjoyed travel, Broadway musicals, movies, animals, entertaining, and Big Red football; active in alumni affairs. Kappa Alpha Theta.
’51 BS Hotel—Peter G. Bolanis of Pittsburgh, PA, December 19, 2022; president, Bolan’s Restaurant and Candies, the family business; veteran; president, Retail Confectioners International; volunteer, St. Margaret Hospital; avid sports fan, golfer, and international marathon runner; active in alumni affairs. Theta Delta Chi.
’51 BA—Morton A. Corwin of Palm Beach Gardens, FL, January 13, 2023; real estate property owner, manager, and developer in private practice and in partnerships; also worked at Williams Real Estate Co. in Manhattan and in the clothing business; veteran; advocate for justice and fairness; champion bridge player and avid reader; enjoyed international travel, golf, discussion groups, adult education lectures, and New York Mets baseball; active in alumni affairs. Pi Lambda Phi.
’51 BA—Joan Vorwerk Howie of Green Lane, PA, and Lebanon, NJ, December 23, 2017; high school math teacher; Scout leader; enjoyed travel and entertaining; active in religious and alumni affairs. Alpha Omicron Pi.
’51, BCE ’52—Francis M. Huffman Jr. of Bethlehem, PA, and Point Abino, ON, December 20, 2022; executive, Bethlehem Steel; 1973 “Man of the Year,” Orchard Park, NY; competitive sailor and accomplished skeet shooter; enjoyed international travel and skiing; active in alumni affairs. Sigma Phi.
’51, BS ’54, MEd ’66—John A. Stone of Goshen, NY, December 4, 2020; guidance director, Washingtonville High School; active in alumni affairs. Pi Kappa Phi.
’52 BS HE, MS ’54—Eleanor Hospodor Conti of Bethlehem, PA, January 19, 2023; director of community relations, Easton Hospital; executive director, Visiting Nurse Association; also worked with the Homemaker Home Health Aide Services; accomplished clothing designer and seamstress; art museum docent in Rhode Island and Pennsylvania; avid synchronized swimmer and coach; Scout leader and softball coach; enjoyed international travel; active in cultural, religious, and alumni affairs. Delta Delta Delta. Husband, Robert F. Conti ’52, BME ’53, MS ’54.
’52, BA ’53—Irvin A. “Von” Kramer of West Palm Beach, FL, September 17, 2022; active in alumni affairs. Sigma Phi.
’52 BA, PhD ’56—Jerome Sacks of Research Triangle Park, NC, formerly of Chicago, IL, January 2, 2023; founder and director emeritus, National Institute of Statistical Sciences; professor of statistics, Duke University, University of Illinois, and Rutgers University; professor of mathematics, Northwestern University; lover of jazz; active in cultural and professional affairs. Sigma Alpha Mu.
’53—J. Roger Atwater of Bangor, ME, January 6, 2023; owner, Leighton Business Systems, an automation and computing solutions company; veteran; enjoyed international travel, sailing, reading, photography, the Bangor Symphony, landscaping his farm property, and preserving family history; active in community affairs. Alpha Tau Omega.
’53 BS CALS—Joseph E. Huth of Colonie, NY, and Venice, FL, December 31, 2022; worked at Gardener’s Seed and Horticultural Supply Co. and at the Garden Shoppe; award-winning Albany County Agricultural Program leader, Cornell Cooperative Extension, conducting programs for commercial vegetable growers, sheep producers, beef cattlemen, and home gardeners; assistant county agricultural extension agent, Albany County; veteran; avid gardener who grew and sold field-grown pansies, bedding plants, and strawberries; active in community, humanitarian, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. Alpha Gamma Rho. Wife, Barbara Reed Meffert-Huth ’54.
’53, BEE ’54—Leon Knickerbocker Jr. of Endwell, NY, and Cape Coral, FL, January 20, 2023; manager, radar and sonar divisions, General Electric; avid fan of Cornell University and Syracuse University competitive sports and Buffalo Bills football; enjoyed international travel, sailing, and skiing; active in alumni affairs.
’53 BS ILR—Angela LaGuardia Nichols of Sag Harbor, NY, July 12, 2021; worked for the New York City Board of Education and New York Telephone Co.; member, Sag Harbor Yacht Club; enjoyed spending time at the beach; active in alumni affairs. Alpha Phi.
’53 BS ILR—Marvin P. Price of Scarsdale, NY, January 6, 2022; active in alumni affairs. Beta Sigma Rho.
’53 DVM—William J. Twining of Gouverneur, NY, December 26, 2022; veterinarian, Twining Veterinary Clinic; veteran; avid outdoorsman and accomplished marksman; enjoyed deer and moose hunting.
’53 BS HE—Barbara King Van Kleek of Portland, OR, formerly of Berthoud, CO, December 13, 2022; active in charitable and alumni affairs. Kappa Alpha Theta.
’54, BA ’53—Frederick C. Battaglia of Denver, CO, December 30, 2022; award-winning physician-scientist in the fields of pediatrics, neonatology, and obstetrics; professor emeritus of pediatrics and department chair, University of Colorado School of Medicine; co-creator, Pediatric Scientist Development Program; enjoyed international travel, fly fishing, the Colorado Rockies, and all things Italian; active in alumni affairs.
’54 BA—Mary Shepard Falk of Tiburon, CA, September 16, 2022; homemaker, philanthropist, and volunteer; president, Modern Art Council, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; enjoyed growing orchids, studying botany, hiking, ballet and opera performances, and the San Francisco art scene; active in community, cultural, humanitarian, religious, and alumni affairs. Chi Omega.
’54 MA—Marian Nelson Ferguson of Lakeville, CT, November 21, 2022; speech therapist and learning disabilities professional in New York City and Washington, DC; diagnostician, admitting officer, and classroom teacher, Chelsea School, the first secondary school in the D.C. area designed to serve the needs of students with learning differences; also worked at the Stanford University Institute of Childhood Aphasia; enjoyed international travel, skiing, sailing, hiking, golf, tennis, bridge, and entertaining; active in religious and alumni affairs. Husband, M. Carr Ferguson ’52, LLB ’54.
’54, BME ’55—James J. Lennon of Menands, NY, January 25, 2023; founder and president, Almac Structural Products/Almac Associates; veteran; enjoyed Lake George, boating, fishing, skiing, and golf; active in alumni affairs. Zeta Psi.
’54 DVM—Robert E. Messersmith of Trenton, NJ, November 22, 2022; pharmaceuticals and diagnostics professional, Hoffmann-La Roche and American Cyanamid; also worked as a veterinarian at Hopewell Veterinary Group; enjoyed Chevrolets and antique clocks and watches.
’54—Raymond L. Mosher of Richburg, NY, October 17, 2022; senior systems design engineer, Dresser Clark, Olean, NY; woodcutter; also worked at Halmor’s Services, Tulsa, OK; veteran; enjoyed farming, hunting, fishing, watching college sports, and Hudson Hornet cars; active in religious affairs.
’54 BA—Charles G. Schulz of Los Altos, CA, formerly of Palo Alto, CA, December 18, 2022; probate and estate planning attorney in private practice; also served as a judge pro tempore and arbitrator, Santa Clara County Superior Court; taught courses on legal issues through the California Bar to medical students, paralegals, and other lawyers; avid tennis player; enjoyed international travel, golf, puns, genealogy, and membership in an a cappella Renaissance singing group; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Alpha Tau Omega.
’55, B Chem E ’56—Paul G. Bradley of Vancouver, BC, August 19, 2022; active in alumni affairs. Lambda Chi Alpha.
’55 PhD—Jessie Gregory Lutz of Chapel Hill, NC, formerly of Havre de Grace, MD, December 30, 2022; professor of history and chair of the department, Douglass College of Rutgers University; visiting professor in China and fluent in Mandarin Chinese; also held positions at other U.S. universities; avid nature walker and bird watcher; enjoyed international travel, gardening, reading, and family camping trips; active in community and cultural affairs.
’55 BS HE—Patricia Hewson Mason of Ogunquit, ME, December 6, 2022; worked at Manning, Selvage & Lee Public Relations (NYC), General Foods (White Plains), Colonial Stores Inc. (Atlanta), Food Specialties Inc. (Worcester), and Philadelphia Gas Works; president, Home Economists in Business; author of the long-running “Creative Cooking” column, York County Coast Star; volunteer for several community and cultural organizations; charitable benefactor; active in professional and alumni affairs.
’55 BA—Terry Stokes McConaughy of Concord, MA, and Silver Bay, NY, January 3, 2023; speech therapist in the public school system; co-creator, Silver Bay Heritage Hall Archives; classical music lover; enjoyed reading, choral singing, and studying history; active in community and alumni affairs. Delta Gamma.
’55 BS CALS—Frederick J. Shuler of Baldwinsville, NY, January 2, 2023; chemistry teacher, Solvay High School. Sigma Pi.
’56, BS Hotel ’57—Anne Schoff Bullock of Lexington, KY, January 11, 2023; co-concessionaire, operating the Zilpo Campground at Cave Run Lake, Daniel Boone National Forest; also worked at Jerrico Corp.; enjoyed reading and being out in nature; active in religious affairs. Kappa Alpha Theta.
’56 BS HE—Shirley Dean Loomis of Carmel, CA, formerly of Pebble Beach, January 2, 2023, artist; co-founder and president, Sea Scribes Monterey Bay Calligraphy Guild; advocate for the performing arts in San Francisco, Pebble Beach, and the Monterey Peninsula; served on numerous architectural, community, cultural, and recreation boards and commissions; enjoyed travel; active in alumni affairs. Husband, Herschel H. Loomis Jr. ’56, BEE ’57.
’56 BA—William Mancoll of West Hartford, CT, January 27, 2023; otolaryngologist; chief of otolaryngology, Hartford Hospital; enjoyed golf, bridge, and reading; active in alumni affairs. Pi Lambda Phi.
’57 BA—Susan Alder Baker of Dryden, NY, formerly of Sequim, WA, January 16, 2023; marketing director, El Castillo Life Plan Community; hospital public and patient relations professional in New Jersey and New York; co-owner, bookkeeper, and designer, Bob Baker’s Kitchens; enjoyed fashion and conversation; active in community and alumni affairs; Husband, Robert M. Baker Jr. ’53.
’57 MD—Rosalie Corigliano Barr of Rockville, MD, January 7, 2023; adult and adolescent psychiatrist in private practice; worked with psychiatric inpatients, Montgomery General Hospital; coordinator for psychiatric services, Division of Victim Services, Montgomery County Health Department; charter member, Metropolitan Washington Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and member/secretary, Suburban Maryland Psychiatric Society; advocate for sex education programs; nature lover and master gardener who worked to control invasive species; Camp Fire Girls leader; enjoyed international travel; active in community affairs.
’57, BME ’58, MBA ’60, PhD ’64—Richard G. Brandenburg of Denver, CO, formerly of Scottsdale, AZ, January 13, 2023; award-winning engineering, business administration, healthcare, and biomedical ethics professional; administrator and professor, University of Denver, Arizona State University, Carnegie Mellon University, SUNY Buffalo, University of Vermont, and Dartmouth College; also held positions at Lockheed Martin, Carborundum Co., and the state government of Vermont; author; served on numerous boards and agencies; enjoyed studying aeronautical engineering and aviation history and building intricate model airplanes; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Phi Kappa Tau.
’57 MD—Donald W. Hoskins of Pittsboro, NC, formerly of New York City, December 26, 2022; internal medicine physician; senior VP and chief medical officer, Beth Israel Medical Center; associate professor, Weill Cornell Medicine. Wife, Carol Noll Hoskins ’55, BS Nurs ’56.
’57 JD—L. Edward Monaghan of Canandaigua, NY, January 11, 2023; attorney in private practice; veteran; enjoyed time on Canandaigua Lake; active in community affairs.
’57 DVM—Leo J. Van Dijk of Ashland, OR, and Palm Desert, CA, January 13, 2023; country-style veterinarian who worked with ranchers, farmers, dairymen, and cattlemen; helped establish the veterinary medicine program at Oregon State University; president, Oregon Veterinary Medical Association and Rogue Valley Medical Association; member, Elks Club; volunteer, Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Northwest Museum of Natural History; active in civic, religious, and alumni affairs. Delta Upsilon. Wife, Marianne Oehrlein Van Dijk ’56.
’58, B Chem E ’59—A. Callaway Allen Jr. of Sisters, OR, January 13, 2023; vice president of supply and distribution, Standard Oil Co.; nature lover, preservationist, and co-founder, Sisters Science Club; enjoyed bicycling, windsurfing, leading bird walks, and organizing walking and snowshoeing groups; active in civic and alumni affairs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Wife, Marsha O’Kane Allen ’59.
’58 BA—Thomas J. Asher of Atlanta, GA, December 25, 2022; national sales director, Smith Barney; executive VP and board member, Robinson-Humphrey Co. Inc.; also trained scores of financial advisors in sales and marketing; completed a 35-yard timeline of the history of Wall Street; veteran; supporter of community nonprofits and civil rights organizations; member or executive on numerous cultural, educational, historical, medical, and religious boards and committees; enjoyed tennis, Georgia Tech sports, live theater, and collecting memorabilia; active in alumni affairs. Tau Delta Phi. Wife, Rosalie Savitt Asher ’61.
’58 BA—Joseph A. Bonacci of Jupiter, FL, January 10, 2023; owner of a small Internet business; director of data processing, New York State Health Department; also worked for the NYS Division of the Budget; director and actor in community plays and musicals and author of the musical comedy Small Talk; accomplished artist; enjoyed studying astronomy, history, and the space program.
’58 BA—Richard A. Hanson of Princeton, NJ, formerly of Skillman, NJ, May 19, 2022; head of industrial lease financing and of the Working Capital Management Account, Merrill Lynch; senior VP, Chase Manhattan Bank; veteran; volunteer, D&R Greenway Land Trust, Princeton; enjoyed fishing, sport shooting, and golf; active in community and alumni affairs. Beta Theta Pi.
’58 BA—James R. Harper of Gladwyne, PA, January 11, 2023; founder, Harper, Hadley & Alexander Associates, an award-winning advertising and marketing agency helping commercial building furnishing manufacturers reach an audience of architects and interior designers; director of advertising for Lees Carpets, Burlington Industries; copywriter, Wermen & Schorr; public relations writer and host, New Orleans Tourist Commission; veteran; author; avid tennis player and accomplished cook; enjoyed choral concerts, spectator sports, Gilbert and Sullivan, and entertaining; active in community, religious, and alumni affairs. Delta Phi.
’58, BS ’59, MS ’60—Carolyn Haring Nagler of Springfield, VA, November 12, 2022; active in alumni affairs. Kappa Delta.
’58 MS, PhD ’61—Felix J. Pierce of Blacksburg, VA, January 24, 2023; researcher, mentor, and professor of thermodynamics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech; author of more than 50 research publications and a textbook on thermodynamics.
’58 BS CALS, DVM ’65—Tyler R. Proskine of Quincy, FL, January 14, 2023; small and large animal veterinarian in private practice in McMurray and Edinboro, PA; avid golfer; enjoyed good-natured joking, gardening, and maintaining the homestead.
’60 BS CALS—Michael D. Andrew of Gorham, ME, December 20, 2022; distinguished professor of education, University of New Hampshire; winning breeder of 168 Standardbred trotting horses; commissioner, Maine State Harness Racing Commission, and president, Maine Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association; author; avid outdoorsman, skilled blacksmith, and ironwork forger; enjoyed playing polo and breeding Hampshire sheep; active in charitable, community, and alumni affairs. Alpha Tau Omega.
’60, BME ’61, MS ’63—Cortland P. Hill of Harleysville, PA, July 17, 2022; president, Hill Concept Engineering; active in alumni affairs. Kappa Delta Rho.
’60 MD—Stuart J. Kingma of Rolle, Switzerland, December 19, 2022; physician, surgeon, public health professional, and pioneer in HIV/AIDS prevention; chief, Health Resources Mobilization Unit, World Health Organization; co-founder and director, Civil/Military Alliance to Combat HIV/AIDS; director, Christian Medical Commission, World Council of Churches, promoting collaboration between NGOs, governments, and international agencies; worked to improve the supply of primary healthcare pharmaceuticals in developing countries; medical editor; enjoyed sharing stories and reenacting events. Wife, Mireille Vautravers Kingma ’69, BS Nurs ’70.
’60 BA, MD ’65—Richard A. Schwartz of McLean, VA, December 20, 2022; cardiologist, Cardiology Specialists of Virginia; member of numerous medical honor societies; competitive rower; active in alumni affairs. Zeta Beta Tau.
’61 BA, JD ’63—Lorna Watt Erwin of Sun City West, AZ, October 16, 2020; real estate professional, Ken Meade Realty; played violin with the Scottsdale and Sun City orchestras and flute with the Sun City Band; master florist and gardener; active in alumni affairs. Chi Omega.
’61 BS HE—Joyce Berger Goldman of Montclair, NJ, December 15, 2022; county administrative aide; director, Essex County Office of Consumer Services; first woman to serve as director, Essex County Division of Buildings and Grounds; special assistant to Assemblyman Peter Shapiro and liaison to the Board of Freeholders; hosted events in her home for candidates and elected officials; delegate to the 1984 Democratic convention; advocate for human rights, women’s rights, and voting rights; award-winning painter, photographer, ceramicist, and collagist; poet; former class correspondent; enjoyed international travel, tennis, theater, opera, reading, and poker; active in alumni affairs.
’61 BS Hotel—Michael Z. Kay of Atlanta, GA, January 19, 2023; hospitality professional and philanthropist; president and CEO, LSG Sky Chefs, the largest provider of integrated in-flight airline catering; chief executive, Portman Hotel Co. and Omni International Hotels; mentor; member or officer on numerous community, corporate, educational, and humanitarian boards; enjoyed running, reading, and crossword puzzles; active in religious and alumni affairs.
’61 BS ILR—David B. Lipsky of Ithaca, NY, January 17, 2023; award-winning professor emeritus of industrial and labor relations and of conflict resolution, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University; dean of the ILR School and founding director, Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution; helped drive ILR’s multidisciplinary focus on the world of work, labor, and employment; also taught at SUNY Buffalo; pioneer in distance learning; prolific scholarly writer; avid reader; enjoyed travel, Cornell sports, Buffalo Bills football, storytelling, classic movies, and summer trips to Maine and the Berkshires; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
’61 MBA—Robert H. Metcalf of Norton, MA, and Naples, NY, formerly of East Hartford, CT, January 6, 2023; worked in employment statistics, production planning, and human resources, Eastman Kodak Co.; veteran; life member, Cornell University Council and recipient of the Frank H.T. Rhodes Exemplary Alumni Service Award; avid skier and co-founder, Hunt Hollow Youth Skiing Fund; enjoyed scuba diving and piloting; active in community and alumni affairs.
’61 BA—Lawrence D. Ross of Madison, NJ, December 14, 2022; business and commercial litigation attorney; co-founder and principal emeritus, Bressler, Amery & Ross; associate professor, Hofstra University School of Law; member of the federal regulatory group, AT&T; acting chief counsel, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; also worked at Dewey, Ballantine, Bushby, Palmer & Wood; music lover and DIY handyman; enjoyed skiing, golf, bridge, chess, poker, and all things New York City; active in alumni affairs. Sigma Alpha Mu. Wife, Lynn Litwin Ross ’63.
’61 MS, PhD ’66—Myrna B. Shure of Philadelphia, PA, January 3, 2023; award-winning counseling psychologist; professor emerita, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Drexel University; creator of the “I Can Problem Solve” program, a nationally recognized school-based violence prevention program; author; media consultant on youth mental health; active in religious and alumni affairs.
’62 MNS—Jane Badger Simkin of Poplar Ridge, NY, December 29, 2022; registered dietician and nutritionist, Cayuga and Cortland County health departments and the Arizona State Health Department; also worked as an independent consultant; Spanish-English translator and advocate for the rights of Latin American immigrants; Red Cross volunteer; enjoyed hiking, bicycling, sewing, and making puppets; active in community and religious affairs. Husband, Paul J. Simkin, MS ’64.
’63 LLB—Frank P. Villanova of Newark, NJ, 1971.
’64 MS—Jack L. Bath of Chino, CA, August 10, 2022; entomologist; professor emeritus of anatomy and biology, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; expert in the bee fly genus; lecturer at the Big Morongo Canyon Preserve and Whittier Narrows Nature Center; spoke four languages; naturalist and advocate for wildlife habitats; avid birder; active in ecological and religious affairs.
’64 BA—John G. Brimmer of New Bern, NC, November 25, 2022; active in alumni affairs.
’64, BEE ’65, ME ’66—Merrill E. Isenman of Atlanta, GA, January 7, 2023; architectural engineer and systems analyst, AT&T; also helped design the Delta Air Lines Crew ReRoute system.
’64 BS Hotel—Seth S. Levine of Miami, FL, December 22, 2022; worked for Invicta Watch Group, helping to build the cruise ship business; co-owner and account executive, Collections 2000, helping major brands build businesses in the travel retail sector and other major markets; senior VP, Continental Airlines; also worked at United Airlines; enjoyed international travel; active in alumni affairs.
’65 BS ORIE—John E. Hayes Jr. of Sacramento, CA, December 25, 2022; entrepreneur and small business owner; also worked for Inland Steel in Chicago; avid mall walker; active in community affairs. Theta Xi.
’66, BEP ’67—Leo Blitz of Kensington, CA, December 20, 2022; professor emeritus of astrophysics, Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley; researched the formation of galaxies and how interstellar gas within galaxies is collected to form stars; author; active in professional affairs. Alpha Epsilon Pi.
’66 BS Nurs—Deane Zbar Lappin of Paoli, PA, June 20, 2022; clinical social worker.
’66 DVM—Victor Sancho of Sulphur Springs, TX, January 28, 2023; veterinarian, farmer, and rancher; enjoyed breeding and raising Santa Gertrudis cattle; active in alumni affairs.
’67, BS CALS ’68, MNS ’72, PhD ’74—Curtis S. Fullmer III of Newfield, NY, November 24, 2022; award-winning researcher in nutritional science, Cornell University. Sigma Pi.
’67 BA—A. Joseph Homicz Jr. of New Castle, NH, formerly of Peterborough, NH, January 10, 2023; award-winning dentist in private practice; veteran; director, Families First Dental Clinic and consultant to federally qualified health centers; advocate for access to medical and dental care, making numerous trips to Haiti to provide services to rural villages; avid golfer, skier, fly fisherman, and licensed private pilot; active in professional and alumni affairs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
’67 MD—Gerald T. Keegan of Port Angeles, WA, January 23, 2023; urologist and professor, Texas A&M Medical School, where he led the development of the urology curriculum; chair, Department of Urology and chair of the ethics committee, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center; assistant professor of urology, Medical University of South Carolina; chief of urological surgery, Charleston Naval Regional Medical Center; veteran; enjoyed international travel, music, history, and the outdoors; active in religious affairs. Wife, Lynn Gates Keegan, BS Nurs ’66.
’67 BA—George J. Mendelssohn of Virginia Beach, VA, May 12, 2022; assistant U.S. attorney, Newark, NJ; deputy chief, Foreign Corrupt Practices Division, Department of Justice; attorney in private practice, Washington, DC; enjoyed blues music and collecting art.
’68 MEE—Robert O. Witt of Hatfield, PA, January 15, 2023; electrical engineer, AT&T; avid fisherman; enjoyed Penn State sports; active in religious affairs.
’69 BA, JD ’72—Timothy J. Battaglia of Surgoinsville, TN, January 16, 2023; oil and gas attorney; senior counsel, Anadarko Petroleum Corp.; mentor and assistant football coach, Cherokee High School; active in humanitarian and religious affairs. Delta Upsilon.
’69 JD—James Wawro of San Luis Obispo, CA, December 18, 2022; business consultant and transnational litigation attorney; senior counsel, Russo & Lowry LLP; author.
’71 BS HE—Camille Cappelletti Luteran of Cicero, NY, January 17, 2023; library manager, Northern Onondaga Public Library; also worked in children’s services, Roy Pickard Free Library; avid reader; enjoyed dance, movies, birdwatching, sewing, and spending time near the water.
’72, BS Hotel ’71—Donald J. Massagli of Western Springs, IL, January 2021; hotel management professional; active in alumni affairs.
’72 BS HE—Andrea Gottlieb Vizcarrondo of New York City, January 15, 2023; fashion professional and museum educator; longtime docent, Metropolitan Museum of Art; fashion director, B. Altman & Co. and VF Corp.; multilingual; avid tennis player, bicyclist, and skier; enjoyed international travel; active in alumni affairs. Husband, Paul Vizcarrondo Jr. ’70.
’73 BA—Deanna M. Dudzinski of Bonita Springs, FL, January 9, 2023; senior partner of mergers and acquisitions, Deloitte, NYC; also worked for the Foundation of Childhood Development; enjoyed her pet Cavalier King Charles spaniels. Pi Beta Phi.
’77 PhD—Ronald A. Howard Jr. of Houston, TX, formerly of College Station, TX, December 31, 2022; 4-H consultant and youth cooperative extension specialist in New York, Indiana, and Texas; taught courses in ecology, led birding expeditions, coached outdoorsmanship and shooting sports, and developed hunter education curricula; enjoyed outdoor sports, woodworking, and storytelling; active in religious and alumni affairs.
’78 BS ILR—Ina Plotsky Kupferberg of Great Neck, NY, October 20, 2022; adjunct assistant professor of employment law, Baruch College; manager of employee relations and human resources, Sprint; labor and employment attorney, Epstein, Becker & Green; philanthropist; longtime school volunteer and PTA president; active in community, religious, and alumni affairs.
’78 BME—Alice A. Rolph of Mukilteo, WA, September 22, 2014; process engineer, Boeing. Husband, Richard T. Walsh ’76.
’79 BEE—Ralph L. Sacco of Miami Beach, FL, and Amagansett, NY, January 17, 2023; award-winning stroke neurologist, researcher, and international lecturer; professor of neurology, public health sciences, human genetics, and neurosurgery, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami; chief of the neurology service, Jackson Memorial Hospital; chief, Stroke and Critical Care Division, Neurological Institute at Columbia/NewYork-Presbyterian; expert on stroke risk and prevention; founder, Northern Manhattan Study to evaluate race and ethnic differences in stroke within a community; president, American Heart Association and American Academy of Neurology; prolific scientific writer; editor in chief, Stroke; enjoyed international travel, boating, abstract artwork, and studying interior and architectural design; active in alumni affairs. Beta Pi.
’81 BS CALS—Calvin D. Parker of Perry, NY, December 29, 2022; sixth-generation dairy farmer; enjoyed music, barbershop and choral singing, working on projects, and dressing up as Santa Claus; active in professional and religious affairs. Alpha Gamma Rho.
’83, BArch ’84—Lynette Y. Huang of New York City, September 16, 2022; product designer and visual artist.
’86 MS—Gregory Foley of Dublin, Ireland, January 17, 2023; engineering lecturer, School of Biochemistry, Dublin City University; expert in designing membrane systems; tireless advocate for COVID vaccines.
’86 BA—Teresa M. Pantzer of Lompoc, CA, November, 16 2022; academic director, Trivium Charter School.
’96 BS MSE—Brian S. Wolkenberg of Deerfield, IL, March 14, 2022; director, product and technology, Paylocity; MotoCast director, product management, Motorola Mobility; environmental advocate; active in alumni affairs.
’97 BS ILR—Charles E. Pettit Jr. of Pulaski, NY, November 23, 2022; attorney, Pettit Law Firm; also conducted mock DWI trials in community schools; union carpenter who constructed family homes and worked on the Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant and the Carousel Mall; special deputy, Oswego County Sheriff’s Department; avid reader; enjoyed farming, boating, fishing, Syracuse football, and coaching soccer.
’19 MRP—Daniel A. Manichello of Kingston, MA, formerly of Miami Beach, December 26, 2022; transportation planner-analyst, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; also worked at Broward County (FL) Transit and at Transdev North America, a French multinational headquartered in Chicago; fluent in Spanish and proficient in French and Italian; avid reader; enjoyed international travel, mountain climbing, skiing, bicycling, tennis, golf, jazz clubs, college football, and World Cup soccer; active in professional and religious affairs.
Please submit notification of alumni deaths to: cubio-deceased@cornell.edu.
Top: Photo by Sreang Hok / Cornell University.
Published March 1, 2023