In Memoriam June 2024 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s The University recently learned of the passing of these Cornellians Editor’s note: Please submit notification of alumni deaths—including an obituary, if possible—to the University at Once the University records an alumni death in its database, the relevant information is forwarded to Cornellians for inclusion in a future In Memoriam section. 1940s ’46, BS HE ’45—Helene Lingel Bly of Rockville, MD, formerly of Wilmington, DE, February 6, 2024; homemaker; nutritionist, Eastman Kodak; lifelong learner; enjoyed travel, peaty Scotch, jigsaw puzzles, reading, the New York Times crossword, shooting the moon in a game of hearts, hiking in the Alps, and sitting on the beach; active in religious and alumni affairs. ’46 MA—Lienfung Li Ho of Singapore, August 3, 2011; vice chairman, Wah-Chang International Corp.; prolific author; columnist, the Straits Times; playwright, A Sword Has Two Edges; supporter of the arts; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’48 BA, MA ’50—Lea Shampanier Gould of Claremont, CA, formerly of Riverside, CA, March 13, 2024; stage and film actress; first woman president, Cornell Theatre Club; worked with Theatre Palisades; editor; lifelong learner; enjoyed social gatherings, reading, crossword puzzles, knitting, and crocheting; active in community, theatrical, and alumni affairs. Alpha Epsilon Phi. ’49 BEE—Don W. Deno of Ruskin, FL, formerly of Stockbridge, MA, September 12, 2021; electrical engineer; worked on radar, aircraft, missile reentry systems, television, and electric fields for General Electric; owner, Electric Field Measurements; conservationist; devised a water quality sensor computer program for Blandford Water Systems; veteran; enjoyed sailing, kayaking, and woodworking; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’49 BA, LLB ’52—Jeremy Taylor of Brookville, IN, June 23, 2022; attorney; also worked for the Long Island Rail Road; published five books on railroading; railroad photographer; avid walker; completed the Appalachian Trail; active in professional and alumni affairs. Kappa Alpha. 1950s ’50 BA—Bryan Bernart of Pittsboro, NC, June 28, 2023; worked for Pitney Bowes; veteran; youth hockey coach; Habitat for Humanity volunteer; avid sailor and tennis player; enjoyed travel, golf, and flying radio-controlled airplanes; active in civic, community, and alumni affairs. Psi Upsilon. ’51–52 GR—Arnold W. Bradburd of Gwynedd, PA, 2023; businessman; member and trustee, Unitarian Universalist Association, and financial adviser, Pennsylvania Universalist Convention; veteran; philanthropist; advocate for social justice, racial equity, clean energy, and sustainable communities; active in alumni affairs. ’52 BS CALS—Paul M. Corwith of Water Mill, NY, and Naples, FL, May 3, 2023; potato, grains, and hay farmer; co-owner, Corwith Farms; enjoyed camping and choral and barbershop singing; active in community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. Alpha Gamma Rho. ’52 BEP—Walter A. Harrison of Stanford, CA, March 6, 2024; professor emeritus of applied physics, Stanford University; researched solid state physics, the theory of metals, semiconductors, and electronic structure; also worked in the physical metallurgy section of General Electric Research Laboratory and at Acorn Technologies; author; active in professional and alumni affairs. Delta Upsilon. ’53 BS HE—Ellen Swingle Haynes of Cedarburg, WI, March 16, 2024; health, wellness, and fitness professional; member, Greater Cedarburg Foundation, a philanthropic organization supporting cultural, aesthetic, and historic projects and programs in the community. Delta Delta Delta. ’53, BEE ’54—George T. Kraemer of Elmsford, NY, September 20, 2016. Tau Beta Pi. ’54, BCE ’55—Alan Cohen of Jenkintown, PA, August 15, 2022; civil engineer; owner, Alan Cohen Associates; also worked for Sonitrul Service; active in alumni affairs. Tau Delta Phi. ’54 BS ILR—Walter F. Eells of West Hartford, CT, December 18, 2023; vice president-ombudsman and vice president of human resources, United Technologies Corp.; veteran; pilot; scuba diver; enjoyed travel, golf, painting, and long walks; active in civic, community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. ’54 BS HE—Harriet Schechter Hinden of Greenwich, CT, October 18, 2023; retired reading specialist, the Children’s Village residential treatment center for boys with serious emotional and behavioral problems; enjoyed travel; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Alpha Epsilon Phi. ’54 BA—Anne Wendt Nagy of Annandale, VA, September 15, 2022; financial analyst and advisor; vice president, Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation; active in alumni affairs. ’54 LLB—Eugene C. Nicolato of Poughkeepsie, NY, January 31, 2023; real estate attorney. ’55 PhD—Stuart E. Dixon of Guelph, ON, February 2, 2012; entomologist; professor, University of Guelph; founding member and chaplain, Unitarian Congregation of Guelph; artist; advocate for social justice; active in civic, community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. ’55–57 SP CALS—Heinz K. Gaiss of Floral Park, NY, April 2, 2018. ’55—David S. Pearlman of Greenwood Village, CO, January 31, 2024; physician/allergist, Colorado Allergy & Asthma Centers; active in professional and alumni affairs. ’55 BS Hotel—Daniel D. Phelan of Salt Spring Island, BC, August 5, 2023; hotel industry executive; retired senior vice president, Cara Operations Ltd.; also worked for Canada Sheraton and Skyline Hotels Ltd.; introduced the Remenco automated equipment system to the hotel and restaurant industry; enjoyed travel, tennis, nature, skiing, scuba diving, and boating; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Sigma Chi. ’55, BME ’56—Thomas C. Reed of Santa Rosa, CA, February 11, 2024; engineer; worked on the hydrogen bomb at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with Edward Teller; designed two thermonuclear devices; director, National Reconnaissance Office; special assistant to President Ronald Reagan for national security policy; developed the Breckenridge, CO, ski resort; founder, River Oaks Vineyards and Clos du Bois Wines; chief of personnel for Reagan’s first gubernatorial administration; veteran; author; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. Alpha Delta Phi. ’55 BS CALS—James G. Welch of Shelburne, VT, March 18, 2024; professor emeritus of animal science, University of Vermont; expert on ruminant nutrition; also taught at Rutgers University; raised Highland cattle; author; enjoyed farming, sailing, and folk dancing; active in community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. Phi Sigma Kappa. ’56–57 GR—Edna M. Combs of Kensington, CA, August 3, 2020; elementary school teacher; Baptist missionary in Myanmar; youth advocate; enjoyed reading, music, and gardening; active in civic, community, and religious affairs. ’56 BA—Thomas W. Parks of San Jose, CA, February 1, 2024; orthopedic surgeon; also worked in commercial real estate and investment; veteran; enjoyed travel and sailing; active in professional and alumni affairs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. ’56 BS CALS—Joseph Tobin of New Hartford, NY, June 11, 2023; veteran; lifelong learner; enjoyed computers, reading, canoeing, camping, and planting trees; active in alumni affairs. Cayuga Lodge. ’57 BS CALS, MS ’58—Jean Smith Schroeder of Hickory Grove, SC, formerly of Middleburgh, NY, March 16, 2024; teacher; librarian; enjoyed horseback riding and training and showing dogs; active in religious affairs. Chi Omega. ’58 BA—Ronald C. Bratone of Setauket, NY, April 1, 2015; vice president, Wizard Contracting. ’58 BS HE—Marcia Fogel Yeager of Warminster, PA, formerly of Uhlerstown, PA, March 18, 2024; retired schoolteacher; taught special needs students; registered dietitian, New Jersey Department of Corrections; chief dietitian, Drinx Plus; assisted in surgical trials on heart transplant procedures, New York Hospital; enjoyed gourmet cooking, knitting, bridge, Scrabble, crossword puzzles, and the Museum of Modern Art; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. Alpha Epsilon Phi. ’59 LLB—Ronald G. Cohn of Palm Desert, CA, December 2, 2023; attorney; actor, cabaret performer, director, teacher, manager, publicist, and producer. Alpha Tau Omega. ’59 BA, MD ’63—Steven D. Douglas of Philadelphia, PA, March 13, 2024; physician and research scientist in cellular immunology; award-winning professor of pediatrics (allergy/immunology), Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine; also served as chief of the Section of Immunology and medical director for the Immunogenetics Laboratory; authority on diagnostic procedures and laboratory processes in the study of immunodeficiencies and HIV and on the treatment of viral inflammation and infection; prolific scientific author; active in professional and alumni affairs. ’59 BS Nurs—Patricia Chamberlin Engelhardt of Quarryville, PA, January 23, 2024; registered nurse; expert on long-term care; advocate for the elderly; served on the Delaware Nursing Home Residents Quality Assurance Commission; enjoyed travel, cooking, singing, reading, porcelain dollmaking, painting, and gardening; active in civic, community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. ’59, BME ’60—Marc Fishzohn of Baltimore, MD, July 9, 2022; financial management professional and business owner; veteran; wrote a book on investing for the unsophisticated investor; active in alumni affairs. Sigma Phi. ’59, BME ’61—John H. Hax Jr. of Trumbull, CT, July 9, 2023; worked for United Technologies and Sikorsky Aircraft; veteran and helicopter pilot; volunteer, ALS Association; active in community and alumni affairs. Sigma Pi. ’59 MS—Marvel Gage Luykx of Frisco, TX, formerly of Alexandria, VA, September 5, 2020; assistant professor of home economics education, State College of Education, SUNY Plattsburgh; supporter of Austen’s Autistic Adventures, a program of events, classes, and job training for people age 16 and older on the autism spectrum and their families; active in alumni affairs. ’59—Jon C. Mazuy of Beverly, MA, and Cap Cana, Dominican Republic, October 11, 2017; construction litigation attorney and partner, Corwin and Corwin LLC; served in the U.S. Navy JAG Corps; avid conservationist; enjoyed travel, gardening, running, and sailing; active in community affairs. Beta Theta Pi. ’59 LLB—William Z. McNamara of Milwaukee, WI, formerly of Chicago, IL, August 15, 2023; attorney; worked in medical transcription, Veterans Affairs West Side Medical Center; former counselor for the blind, Illinois Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; enjoyed listening to history and mystery books and cheering the Chicago Cubs, Milwaukee Brewers, and St. Louis Cardinals; active in community and professional affairs. ’59 BS CALS—Gaea Williams Milway of Loveland, CO, May 11, 2022; active in alumni affairs. ’59—Philip C. Rotoli of West Henrietta, NY, November 6, 2023; retired manufacturing specialist, Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. Alpha Chi Sigma. ’59, BEE ’60—Frederick E. Schmitt III of Glen Mills, PA, February 25, 2023; commissioned officer, U.S. Army; graduate, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the U.S. Army War College; member, Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem; enjoyed travel, bridge, chess, investing, computers, and classical music; active in community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. Delta Chi. ’59 BA—David W. Seidler of Santa Fe, NM, formerly of Santa Monica, CA, March 16, 2024; playwright and film and television writer, including for popular soap operas; BAFTA- and Oscar-winning screenwriter for The King’s Speech and co-writer of the film Tucker: The Man and His Dream; member of the Feather & Seidler writing team with his former wife, Jacqueline Feather; advocate for stutterers worldwide; avid fly-fisherman; enjoyed visits to New Zealand; active in alumni affairs. ’59 BS HE—Rochelle Leffert Spergel of Hoboken, NJ, January 20, 2024; retired law professor, CUNY; active in professional, religious, and alumni affairs. ’59 BArch—Robert W. Stevens Jr. of Sarasota, FL, formerly of Huntington, IN, January 3, 2023. Sigma Pi. ’59 BA—Robert E. Van Vranken of Pennington, NJ, April 4, 2023; worked for the registrar, admissions, and annual giving offices, Princeton University; veteran; founder, Lawrence Township Helping Houses Child Safety Program; co-founder; Lawrence Township Youth Hockey Program; walked the 500-mile Camino Francés route of the Camino de Santiago; enjoyed hiking in the Adirondacks; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Theta Delta Chi. ’59—Sidney M. Wolfe of Washington, DC, January 1, 2024; public health and consumer activist; physician; co-founder and director, Health Research Group; advocate for drug and medical device safety; recipient, MacArthur Fellowship; also worked for the Public Health Service; best-selling author; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. Tau Delta Phi. 1960s ’60, BME ’61—David M. Dawson of Downers Grove, IL, formerly of Woodridge, IL, January 13, 2024; mechanical engineer; software consultant; veteran; enjoyed running, tennis, and golf. Alpha Sigma Phi. ’60 BS CALS, MEd ’66—David L. Dresser of Ovid, NY, March 14, 2024; dean of students, Ithaca College and Eisenhower College; veteran; inductee, Cornell Athletics Hall of Fame; school board president, town supervisor, and member of numerous boards; community volunteer; enjoyed sailing and tennis; active in religious and alumni affairs. Phi Gamma Delta. ’60 LLB—Lyell G. Galbraith of Canandaigua, NY, March 3, 2024; attorney, partner, and head of the Public Finance Group, Nixon Peabody LLP; also served as Justice for the Town of South Bristol; handyman and home builder; student of history; enjoyed flea markets, playing Trivial Pursuit, boating, and summers on the cottage in Kapikog Lake in Ontario, Canada. ’60 JD—Faust F. Rossi of Bethesda, MD, March 6, 2024; award-winning professor of trial techniques emeritus and associate academic dean, Cornell Law School; nationally recognized expert on evidence, trial advocacy, and civil procedure; trial attorney, U.S. Department of Justice Honors Program; created the “Law School Legends” audio and video series on evidence; visiting professor at Oxford University, Central European University, and other institutions; veteran; author; enjoyed Italian food, the St. Louis Cardinals, a good joke, mystery novels, and running; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’60 BS CALS, DVM ’63—Carvel G. Tiekert of Abingdon, MD, February 17, 2024; veterinarian; founder, American Veterinary Holistic Medical Association; veteran; enjoyed travel, theater, golf, target shooting, and yard sales; active in professional and alumni affairs. Alpha Psi. ’60 BS Hotel—Jan J. VanHeininghen of Virginia Beach, VA, February 12, 2024; worked for Navy Exchange; also worked for Marriott Corp.; veteran; life member, the Navy League and the U.S. Naval Institute; enjoyed travel, good wine, and fine dining; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Alpha Sigma Phi. ’61 BS CALS/DVM—MacDonald J. Holmes of Cobleskill, NY, August 30, 2023; veterinarian, Cobleskill Veterinary Clinic; vice president for academic affairs and former dean of agriculture, SUNY Cobleskill; active in civic, community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. Sigma Pi. ’62, BArch ’63—Margo Hebald of San Diego, CA, formerly of Santa Monica, CA, February 19, 2024; architect and interior designer in private practice; specialized in commercial work, transportation, and healthcare facilities; enjoyed photographing orchids; active in alumni affairs. Sigma Delta Tau. ’62 MBA—Neil K. Robertson of Monterey, CA, formerly of Pebble Beach, CA, 2024; investment management professional, Allwood Investment Associates and Prudential Insurance Company’s common stock department; active in alumni affairs. ’63—Peter J. Cover of Fort Myers, FL, January 16, 2024; worked in international energy operations and public policy development; director of Strategic Planning and Policy Development, U.S. Department of Energy; veteran; philanthropist; lifelong learner; enjoyed art and antiques, walks on the beach, fishing, golf, reading, and exploring the flora and fauna of the Gulf Coast; active in community and professional affairs. ’63 BS HE—Jane Schulz Ekstein of Palm Beach Gardens, FL, formerly of New York City, November 3, 2011; real estate broker, Ashforth Warburg Real Estate; president and merchandising and marketing consultant, the Fashion Task Force; former vice president, Crazy Horse and Ann Klein; volunteered for Save Our Seashore; active in community and alumni affairs. ’64 LLB—Peter P. Cecere of Woodville, VA, October 13, 2023; retired Foreign Service officer; attorney; avid art collector; owner, “House of Stronzo” folk art collection; active in artistic affairs. ’65, BS Hotel ’66—Tanya K. Dietrich of Wilmette, IL, formerly of Winnetka, IL, October 10, 2023; attorney in private practice; special assistant to the Illinois attorney general as counsel to the Illinois Tollway Authority; enjoyed sailing, hiking, skiing, swimming, NASCAR, music, choral and barbershop singing, and reading mysteries and poetry; active in humanitarian, political, professional, and alumni affairs. ’65 BS CALS—David K. Pomerantz of London, ON, January 8, 2024; physiologist; reproductive medicine researcher; professor, University of Western Ontario; enjoyed travel, new cultures and cuisines, hiking, and bicycling; active in community and professional affairs. Alpha Phi Delta. ’66 DVM—Gary M. Cane of Mount Washington, MA, Hillsdale, NY, Annapolis Royal, NS, and Gulfport, FL, April 28, 2016; veterinarian, Hillsdale Animal Clinic; recording artist; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’66 BS Hotel—Carl Demler of New York City, October 19, 2015; owner, Beethoven Pianos Inc. and the Concert Space; former manager and co-owner, the Colony, a French restaurant; active in professional and alumni affairs. Alpha Delta Phi. ’66 BA—Linda Redlick Hirshman of New York City, formerly of Chicago, IL, October 31, 2023; labor attorney who argued cases before the U.S. Supreme Court; professor of philosophy, Brandeis University; professor, Chicago-Kent College of Law; best-selling author of Get to Work: A Manifesto for Women of the World, Sisters in Law (a joint biography of Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg ’54), and other books; feminist; encouraged women to remain in the workforce; enjoyed opera; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’67 BCE, ME ’68—John W. McManus of Tucson, AZ, October 17, 2011; civil engineer; enjoyed golf and scuba diving; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Alpha Sigma Phi. ’67 PhD—Bernard L. Meyers of Rockville, MD, February 6, 2024; expert on concrete; senior vice president and partner, Bechtel Corp.; professor of civil engineering, University of Iowa; also worked for the Department of Energy; author; enjoyed travel; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’67 BS HE—Lynne Hemenway Whetzel of Ithaca, NY, March 4, 2024; director of resource and referral, Child Development Council of Ithaca; member and treasurer, Kiwanis Club; avid local radio listener; sports fan; enjoyed travel, reading, birdwatching, and her pet cats; active in community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. ’68 MS—George S. Hayward of Cantonment, FL, formerly of Pensacola, FL, March 2024. Surviving spouse, Anne Phillips-Hayward ’77. ’68 PhD—Gaius Igboeli of Nsukka, Nigeria, January 31, 2024; emeritus professor of agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka; first vice chancellor, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria; first vice chancellor, St. Paul’s Anglican University, Awka, Nigeria; poultry farmer; Rockefeller Foundation Fellow; active in professional affairs. ’69 BS CALS—Phillip A. Abraham of Pittsfield, MA, September 14, 2020; town accountant, Town of Lanesborough; financial manager, GE-Pittsfield; veteran; enjoyed travel, hiking, biking, and reading; active in civic, community, and alumni affairs. ’69 BS CALS—Natalia Demong-Emlen of Ithaca, NY, December 18, 2023; field biologist who studied complex animal societies; political and environmental activist; enjoyed travel, nature, and gardening; active in civic, community, professional, and alumni affairs. Pi Beta Phi. ’69 BS ORIE—Joseph Karten of Mamaroneck, NY, April 5, 2021; attorney; engineer; real estate executive. ’69, BS ILR ’73—C. Edward Kearl of Alexandria, VA, formerly of Memphis, TN, June 23, 2008; independent contractor, military strength research; retired, U.S. Navy recruiting command; worked for the Army Research Institute; administrative aide, hospital workers labor union; veteran; enjoyed fine dining, watching movies, and reading; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Kappa Sigma. ’69 BEE, ME ’70—Ramon W. Rosati of Weatogue, CT, October 2, 2021; software and systems engineer and inventor; led research and development at GE Healthcare’s MicroCal Products Group; worked on early fuel cell development at United Technologies; also worked for Sperian Protection-Biosystems, Superior Electric, and Hampshire College; held several patents; member, Simsbury Technology Task Force; mentor; avid traveler; enjoyed photography, collecting old cameras, skiing, and racing cars at Lime Rock and Watkins Glen; active in community and professional affairs. Tau Kappa Epsilon. ’69 BA—Robert C. Williamson of North Plainfield, NJ, March 16, 2024; social worker, New Jersey Department of Children and Families; avid fisherman; enjoyed crossword puzzles, riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle, grilling, local entertainment, and playing guitar; active in professional and alumni affairs. Delta Phi. 1970s ’72 BA—Judith K. Poole of Santa Barbara, CA, March 8, 2024; recruiter and career coach; president and founder, Poole Associates, an executive search firm for the tech world; legislative assistant to Senators Sam Ervin and Charles Goodell; also worked for the ACLU; active in alumni affairs. ’73 BS CALS—Joel A. Shapiro of Rolling Hills Estates, CA, April 28, 2012; cardiologist and cardiovascular surgeon; active in professional affairs. ’74 BA—M. Pauline Baker of St. Joseph, IN, and Indianapolis, IN, December 2023; faculty member and director, Media Arts and Science program, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; director, Visualization and Interactive Spaces Lab, Pervasive Technology Institute, IU; former director, visualization and virtual environments, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois; authored several computer graphics books; taught coding and robotics for an after-school program in Indianapolis; avid walker and member, American Volkssport Association walking club; enjoyed baking, gardening, sewing, football games, and visiting museums and the zoo; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’75 DVM—Harold W. Abair of Cave Creek, AZ, formerly of Edgewood, MD, March 6, 2024; veterinarian; aerospace engineer who worked on the Lunar Module; attended the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy; veteran; lover of dogs; enjoyed travel, fishing, observing birds and wildlife, playing blackjack, and musicals; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. Alpha Psi. ’75 BS CALS—Stephen W. Bigalow of Mars, PA, October 3, 2023; investment counselor; expert on candlestick trading investment strategy; author; Victrola and Edison phonographs aficionado; enjoyed jokes, antique automobiles, the Finger Lakes, and Lake George; active in professional and alumni affairs. Delta Upsilon. ’75 BA—Eloise A. Guzior of Schenectady, NY, January 30, 2024; school psychologist, Bethlehem Central School District; avid quilter; active in community affairs. ’75 BS CALS—Gary P. Martin of Hollsopple, PA, March 8, 2024; water quality specialist, Department of Environmental Protection, NYC; veteran; enjoyed travel, gardening, and photography; active in religious affairs. ’75 MS, PhD ’83—George L. Rolleston of Berea, OH, March 6, 2024; director of financial aid, Baldwin Wallace College; veteran; history buff and president of the Civil War Western Reserve Round Table; enjoyed travel to Civil War battlefields, gardening, reading, golf, racing, and the Cleveland Orchestra. ’76 DVM—Kent R. Marshall of North Rose, NY, March 11, 2024; veterinarian and proprietor, Lyons Veterinary Clinic, a small and large animal practice; prankster and storyteller. ’78 B Chem E—Patrick F. Baughn of Austin, TX, April 6, 2021; chemical engineer; worked for BP Oil; active in community, professional, religious, and alumni affairs. Kappa Delta Rho. ’79 DVM—Richard A. DeVries of Coeymans Hollow, NY, January 11, 2024; veterinarian; operated Parkside Veterinary Hospital and Emerald Hill Small Animal Hospital; talented storyteller; enjoyed nature; active in professional affairs. 1980s ’80 PhD—Ramón L. Carrasquillo of San Juan, PR, and Austin, TX, February 2, 2024; international expert on concrete materials, construction, and structural engineering; founder and president, Carrasquillo Associates; president, Carrasquillo Engineering Services Group; professor and researcher, University of Texas, Austin; associate director, International Center for Aggregates Research; founder and president, Rainbow Materials; author; active in professional affairs. ’80 B Chem E—James B. Gilmour of Franklin Park, PA, January 16, 2023; chemical engineer; business manager, Calgon Carbon Corp.; worked on water purification, electricity production, and environmental control systems; treasurer, Pittsburgh Rowing Club; avid rower; enjoyed travel, playing tuba, and choral singing; active in community and alumni affairs. Kappa Delta Rho. Surviving spouse, Carol Huntress Gilmour ’82. ’82, BA ’83—Lauren P. Freedman of Ramat Aviv, Israel, February 21, 2024; economic analyst, U.S. Embassy Jerusalem, Tel Aviv branch office. ’83 BA—Kenneth R. Bill Jr. of Falls Creek, PA, September 22, 2023; psychiatrist; member, National Rifle Association; enjoyed travel, cooking, photography, and animals; active in professional and alumni affairs. Alpha Chi Sigma. Surviving spouse, Joan Lee Bill ’85, DVM ’89. ’84 BME—Clifford D. Barker of Warwick, NY, March 15, 2024; radiologist; director, MRI and Body Imaging, Horton Medical Center; co-founder and medical director, Advanced Imaging Associates; managing partner, Radiologic Associates; MRI fellow, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis; enjoyed travel, football, golf, lacrosse, reading by the sea, and watching movies; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. ’84 BS HE—Judith Hemphill Galusha of Mesa, AZ, January 18, 2024; photographer; counselor, Pharmacia Foundation; therapist, Pittsford Youth Center; enjoyed international travel; active in community affairs. Surviving spouse, Timothy M. Galusha ’79. ’85 BA—Jeffrey Horn of Negaunee, MI, February 5, 2024; associate professor of computer science, Department of Math and Computer Science, Northern Michigan University; researched robotics, genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, and applications in shape nesting problems and games; active in professional affairs. Seal and Serpent. ’87 BME—Leora Rosen Greene of Kensington, MD, March 6, 2024; technical lead, Precise Software Solutions; software engineer, Ace Info Solutions; associate software developer, Booz Allen Hamilton; active in alumni affairs. Delta Delta Delta. 1990s ’91 DVM—Paul J. Luddy of San Juan Capistrano, CA, July 28, 2021; equine veterinarian; one of the first veterinarians to adopt shockwave therapy treatment; lifelong learner; raised yellow Labrador retrievers; avid outdoorsman; enjoyed gardening and ocean swimming; active in professional and alumni affairs. ’93 B Chem E—Douglas A. Schwartz of Edwards, CO, March 9, 2024; owner, eTown Kitchen and Bar; real estate broker associate, Gateway Land & Development; engineer; soccer coach; enjoyed travel, fly-fishing, skiing, golf, soccer, music, fine dining, and nature; active in community and alumni affairs. Chi Phi. ’97 BEE, MEE ’98, JD ’07—Steven J. Russell of Boston, MA, June 17, 2023; patent attorney; specialist in emerging technologies; hardware engineer for Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, and Intel Corp.; completed 10 Boston marathons; enjoyed reading science fiction, fantasy, and comic books, dining with friends, pub trivia, exploring Boston, and motorcycle trips; active in community, professional, and alumni affairs. 2000s ’00 BA—Beth Sullivan Walkenbach of Claremont, CA, formerly of Ithaca, NY, March 18, 2024; director, corporate partnerships, Keck Graduate Institute; assistant director, Robert Day Scholars, Claremont McKenna College; associate director, Alumni Affairs & Development, Cornell University; also served as assistant Cornell field hockey coach; student development professional, Franklin & Marshall College; volunteer, Youth Theatre Works; active in humanitarian and alumni affairs. Pi Beta Phi. ’02 BS Hotel—Michael M. Nestor of Austin, TX, formerly of Columbus, OH, March 11, 2024; founder and consultant to nonprofits, MMN Consulting LLC; worked at Livestrong, providing support to individuals with cancer, and joined Pelotonia, an organization that works to accelerate funding for innovative cancer research through events, activism, fundraising, and volunteerism; startup team member, Four Seasons Hotel, Austin; enjoyed choral singing; active in alumni affairs. ’03 BA—Jeremy R. Leaf of Highland Beach, FL, formerly of Los Angeles, CA, and Mamaroneck, NY, June 8, 2016; IT recruiter, Technisource; senior recruiter, Robert Half Technology; studied economics at Cornell and clinical psychology at Antioch University, Los Angeles; active in alumni affairs. 2010s ’19 BS CALS—Ajara M. Cobourne of Hackensack, NJ, December 21, 2020; studied environmental engineering technology at Cornell; volunteered for cleanup and rebuilding efforts in Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, and New Orleans; active in community, religious, and alumni affairs. Editor’s note: Please submit notification of alumni deaths—including an obituary, if possible—to the University at Once the University records an alumni death in its database, the relevant information is forwarded to Cornellians for inclusion in a future In Memoriam section. Top: Photo by Jason Koski / Cornell University. Published June 1, 2024