Campus & Beyond Economist Works to Reduce Surging Rates of Gun Violence Professor Max Kapustin studies ways to prevent shootings, whose ill effects reverberate throughout society
Campus & Beyond The Cold Comforts of a Big Red Winter, Then and Now Embracing the inevitable, Cornellians takes a lighthearted look at East Hill’s weather woes and wonders, past and present
Campus & Beyond Studying How Tech Can Be Used to Track Our Daily Lives Professor Karen Levy has explored digital privacy in such varied areas as trucking, nursing homes, and domestic abuse
Cornelliana Classic ‘Cornell Bread’ Is Still a Favorite of Health-Conscious Bakers Since the 1940s, Professor Clive McCay’s recipe has been a nutritious alternative to the typical white stuff
Alumni Alum Memorialized with Campaign to Promote His Made-Up Word Neil Krieger ’62 coined ‘orbisculate’ as a freshman. Now his children are working to earn it a spot in the dictionary
Ask the Expert How’s the Hospitality Industry Doing? A Hotelie Weighs In Stephani Robson ’88, MS ’99, PhD ’10, shares her insights on topics from the restaurant labor crunch to the demise of daily room cleanings
Campus & Beyond On North Campus, New Buildings Shape Future of Undergrad Community Two recently completed halls now house more than 800 first-year students as residential expansion moves forward
Cornelliana Hail, All Hail, Cornell! The “Alma Mater” dates back a century and a half, to just a couple of years after classes began on the Hill, and is identified with the University as closely as McGraw Tower or the Ezra statue.
Alumni The Roots of ‘Status Games’—and Why Your Brain Is Stuck in High School In her latest self-help book, Loretta Graziano Breuning ’75 explores how your ‘inner mammal’ impacts mental and emotional well-being