
Your Cornell Student’s Health Is Our Priority!

Sending your child off to start the first year of college away from your family pediatrician can be nerve-wracking. At Campus MedShield, we get it. We understand your child’s challenges, from the stress of finals to colds to unexpected injuries at the most inopportune moments – especially when the campus health center is overbooked or closed. That’s why at Campus MedShield, we’ve designed a 24/7 service to support your child’s mental and physical health. With personalized care and the innovative TytoCare device for virtual exams, your student at Cornell is always connected to a physician, anywhere and anytime.

Ensure your student’s well-being, and enjoy peace of mind knowing they’re in good hands with Campus MedShield.

Sign up today at!

Bernard Kruger ’63a medical doctor and the company's owner and founder