Raise a Glass to the Namesake of Zinck’s Night A legendary Ithaca bartender inspired the annual celebration—and this year, it’s set for October 17
Libe Slope, Friends, and East Hill Sunsets: Your Fondest Memories This year’s Homecoming exercise garnered hundreds of Big Red recollections—from the universal to the poignantly specific
Fans, Fireworks, and Fun: Homecoming 2024 in Photos Cornellians flocked to the Hill for the annual Big Red celebration—made even more festive by a big win (and a tiny horse)
‘Aardvarking’ and More: Fascinating Facts about the Marching Band Did you know that this iconic Big Red student group is almost as old as the University itself?
Hot Truck, Warm Memories: Pizza Subs Were a Big Red Institution For decades, the West Campus eatery-on-wheels—and its legendary proprietor—cooked up its own culture
Johnny’s Big Red Grill Sign Is All Aglow—in Ohio Restored and radiant, the bygone Collegetown landmark has found a forever home in a museum
‘Waffle Stompers’ and Mini Fridges: What You Brought to the Hill We asked for memories of how you feathered your Cornell nests—and learned that some favorites endure through decades
For Half a Century, the U-Halls Shaped the Campus Experience We asked for your memories—the good, the bad, and the cinderblock—and received a deluge of dorm deeds and delights
Cornell Dairy: From Cow to Cone From start to finish, the Big Red’s beloved frozen treats are created (and often consumed) right here on the Hill
Iconic Olin Library ‘Call Board’ to Get a (Literal) Glow-Up After shining as a numerical beacon above the circulation desk for decades, the sign will soon have a new life—as a clock