Andrea Savage ’94 Makes ’em Laugh The actress, writer, and comedian has wowed viewers of TV’s ‘Veep,’ the hit movie Step Brothers, and a whole lot more
The ‘Mother of Shelter Medicine’: Vet Pioneer Lila Miller ’74, DVM ’77 One of the first two Black women to graduate from the Vet college, Miller has devoted her career to aiding homeless animals
Alumna’s Galactic Quest Proved Existence of Dark Matter Astronomer’s years of data and observations won over skeptical colleagues and changed the field
Barbara Page, MFA ’75, Celebrates Her Love of Reading with Miniature Works of Art Using 3-by-5-inch library checkout cards as her canvas, she memorializes the act of consuming the written word
Engineering Alumna Rockets to Netflix Baking Competition Renee Frohnert, MEng ’19, is one of 18 contestants in a new baking-engineering competition show, “Baking Impossible,” which premiered in early October on Netflix.
The Cornellian Behind the Slogan ‘Ithaca is Gorges’ Late advertising guru Howard Cogan ’50, MPS ’80, coined the now-ubiquitous catchphrase—and gifted it to the community
For a Veteran Hollywood Scout, it’s All About ‘Location, Location’ Lori Balton ’81 has worked on dozens of films and TV shows, including last summer’s Jungle Cruise and Marvel’s latest hit
For Mark Tatum ’91, the NBA Is his Dream Team The CALS alum and former Big Red baseball player is the league’s deputy commissioner and COO
Sherwoods of Cornell Keep Harmonizing Through the Years The group, which originated as a subset of the Glee Club in the Fifties, has experienced a renaissance as a popular Reunion act.
Inger Burnett-Zeigler ’02 Advocates for Black Women’s Self-Care Clinical psychologist warns of the costs of addressing the needs of others to the exclusion of one’s own mental and physical health.