aerial view of central campus with Cayuga Lake

What Cornell Building Are You?

Are you Barton Hall? The Straight? Mann Library? The Statler? Or one of six others on East Hill? Answer 10 questions and find out!

(Top: Photo by Ryan Young / Cornell University.)

Published April 9, 2024


  1. William, Class of 1953

    I was a slow learner in the social sciences meaning I had to spend very long periods of time trying to mash my way through endless pages of whatever. It was tough. The pure sciences were very different. I nested myself among trees, rocks and classrooms and did pretty well overall. Good luck to all you youngsters. Best, W.J. Ash, ’53, ’58, ’60.

    • Meli Mathis-Clark, Class of 2009

      My grandma was also Class of ‘53, you were in good company. Back then she was Mary Ley. Then my mom was ‘78. Ezra’s hope of any person any study was true as we were all in different colleges with very different interests.

  2. Mark Coan

    I didn’t see or appreciate the extent and beauty of the campus until my fifth year as a graduate with “grant” monies; working too hard, not having wheels, living only where I could afford and not where convenient. Most appreciative when I returned to enjoy as parent of next gen who did better, more….

  3. Bayla Singer, Class of 1960

    The Ostrander Elms were my companions and comfort through all the seasons, and I cried when they were cut down. My husband simply couldn’t understand why I was crying over *trees*! But to see my friends lying there, dismembered into logs for disposal, was just too much to bear. I loved the *look* of snow on campus, but not when I had to slog through it 🙂 Females in my time were not allowed to wear slacks or pants except in the most extreme cold [announcements were made 🙂 ] and cold *ahem* was a constant issue.

    • Kelly K.M. Carson, Class of 1973

      My class came later then your own, but I too was always sad at the loss of any trees at college that I loved so much. I saw not only Cornell University trees cut down due to disease that I dearly missed, but later healthy trees were cut down at my childhood home. Every single tree gone. These were huge Black Willows, Apple trees, Cherry trees, over a dozen huge Oak trees, Poplar trees, many Red Maple trees, a few Ponderosa Pine trees and many adult Fir trees all healthy were cut down and sold. The person who did this did not own the land because he bought only the quarter acre the house sat on. I learned years later, too late to stop it that all those trees on five acres of land were cut and sold. There were dozens of trees over 200 years old taken from our beautiful land by the lake. I know exactly how you feel bad at the loss of any trees. As a child I had played tag hiding in those trees from my beloved beagle. She would sit still and in a few minutes follow my trail over the land to a tree far from her where I’d climbed into the tall tree to hide. It was one of our favorite games together with my beloved beagle; she loved to play this and other games among the trees. As an adult today my home’s are always surrounded trees. I always take steps in any legal way I can, so my trees are protected from any harm (in case, I must move to a new place). I believe that Life in all its forms has a right to protection so it may remain living its entire span. I gave each life is deserving of a place on our amazing shared Earth. I wish you and your family much joy for the wondrous years ahead.

    • Carolyn Rogers, Class of 1959

      Class of ’59 here. When I remember the “no slacks” idiot rule, it’s hard to believe isn’t it?

  4. JAMES POLAN, Class of 1987

    Law, not Engineering. The only time I left the law building was to play golf in my third year or watch a basketball game.

  5. Doug Veit, Class of 1967

    When I first saw the quiz…and misunderstood what building would I choose to be, I thought of McGraw Tower. But not as a beacon of light just a very interesting structure visibly, audibly (the chimes), and spiritually (forever the tallest building on campus). So, I took the quiz and Lo! I’m McGraw Tower. 🙂

  6. Kenn Marash

    For the majority of questions I could not find an answer that described me. Some questions were completely foreign to me (I’m Class of ’72). I can’t believe that I’m alone in that assessment. The description of “my” building, Milstein Hall, was off the wall describing me.

    • Linda Madeo, Class of 1985

      I got Milstein Hall, too … I don’t think it was even there when I was there (class of ’85).

    • Karen Kaplan, Class of 1975

      Likewise— group projects? binge-watching? golf or rugby or pickleball or soccer? None of the above. That said, I love Cornell. I love the place.

  7. Paul V. Sheridan, Class of 1980

    Sorry…had to stop quiz at TV show binge question. I have no idea what those TV shows are/contain; Cornellians watch those shows? TV? But if I had to guess, I would be Duffield Hall.

  8. Kelly K.M. Carson, Class of 1973

    This is fun to write others who might agree with something written. They may enjoy what’s been said, but I wish I could still edit mistakes in my comment that I missed. It’s always hard to leave a brief few words for me. I rarely post comments for this reason. As a lady I often have far too many words posted, silly of me. Oh Well!

  9. Loren Stephens, Class of 1965

    I am McGraw Tower. I spent much too much time studying and not enough time enjoying nature, the beautiful campus, and all the extracurricular activities that were available to me. But I’m very proud of having graduated and do involve myself in alumni activities here in Los Angeles. All best to everyone, Loren Stephens

  10. Irwin Rosenfeld, Class of 1972

    you nailed my personality

  11. Margaret Willers

    I am flummoxed because I got Duffield Hall. I do not know where it is or what it is for. Can someone help? Maybe I should spend more time at Reunion walking the campus and seeing all the ‘new’ buildings.

  12. Mark Wolcott, Class of 1983

    Definitely the Straight. I would stop there nearly every day for lunch and then find a comfortable chair or couch in the study area to take a 20 minute nap. Since I played a sport (Sprint Football) that little power nap was key for me getting through the next class and then practice.

  13. Jason Wittman, Class of 1964

    This was probably the most inane quiz. My answer to most of the questions was none of the above.

  14. Paul Evans, Class of 1981

    Sorry, Quizmaster. I am a Class of ’81 Aggie who did all of my studying at Olin Library when I discovered how quiet the stacks were, and that will always be my building. (And why were the game of Squash and Chocolate Almond ice cream not choices on the quiz?)

  15. George Lutz, Class of 1978

    The no dress “idiot” rule makes me wonder what othervestiges of a much earlier time were on campus when I was there (74-78). I was a civil engineering major and in Hollister Hall, at that time (and perhaps still today), there was only one bathroom per floor. I was told that the thought was that women would never be engineering students, and that therefore there was only a need for a men’s room. Unbelievable!

  16. Tony Cristaldi, Class of 1991

    I was hoping to be Bradfield Hall or Mann Library, since that’s where I spent 95 percent of my time on campus.

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