Housing and Headquarters Location

Class headquarters and housing will be on Campus in the Court-Kay-Bauer Hall.

Address: 148 Cradit Farm Dr, Ithaca, NY 14850

Arrival and parking

When arriving for Reunion, guests may drop off passengers and luggage near Hu Shih Hall by turning onto Northcross Road from Jessup Road and following the one-way traffic pattern to Program House Drive. Guests will see signage for Hu Shih Hall/45th unloading area on Program House Drive. Passengers and luggage may be dropped off in this area. You will not be able to leave your vehicle parked in this area while you check in. After delivering passengers and luggage, drivers should exit the drop off area following a one-way traffic pattern on Program House Drive towards Jessup Road to park in A-Lot.

Please note: Drop-off access near residence halls will be available until 8:00 p.m. on Friday of Reunion. After that time, guests will need to park their vehicle in a Cornell parking lot. Ride assistance to transport guest and luggage will be available by calling Reunion Staff Headquarters at 607-255-7085.

The main parking lot on North Campus is the A-Lot (140 Pleasant Grove Road, Ithaca, NY 14850) behind the Townhouse Community buildings. Additional North Campus parking is in the Hasbrouck apartment complex Outer Circle (121 Pleasant Grove Road, Ithaca, NY 14850) across from North Campus. A Reunion shuttle van will be available to transport guests from A-Lot and Hasbrouck parking lots to HQ locations on Thursday between noon and 8 p.m. After Thursday, on-request ride assistance is available by contacting 607-255-7085.

Overflow parking will be designated in east end of the B-Lot (957 Campus Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850 near the Vet College. Transportation will be available to shuttle guests from B-Lot to North Campus on-request by contacting 607-255-7085 until 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, and 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday of Reunion.

Additional parking and transportation information can be found at alumni.cornell.edu/come-back/reunion/arriving-getting-around.


Contact your reunion planners:

Jen Cornelssen Ellis ’85
Sharon Tolpin Topper ’85

Reunion hotels

If you miss your dorm days and hope to stay at your campus housing headquarters, sign up for housing as part of your Reunion registration starting in early April. Prefer the amenities of a hotel? Review the list of Reunion hotels and reserve your room today.

Reserve your hotel room today