Cornell’s international vision

Cross-cultural learning and research have been a priority at Cornell University since its earliest days, sometimes in radical ways. A new book, Beyond Borders: Exploring the History of Cornell’s Global Dimensions, dives into dozens of international initiatives involving Cornell faculty and students over the years. Cornell founders Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White appreciated learning … Read more

Student veterans find a Big Red community at Cornell

Not many university programs achieve a 100 percent success rate—even at Cornell. One exception is the Veteran’s Summer Bridge Program (VSBP), established in 2018 to provide a leg up for veterans who might otherwise have been denied acceptance to the university. VSBP is an intensive six-week summer session where students enroll in one or two … Read more

Cornell crowdfunding draws new and returning student groups

More than 50 Cornell student groups are participating in the 2024 crowdfunding burst, now in its 12th year, to imagine—and create!—a better world. All of the funds raised through the crowdfunding platform go directly to student groups so that they can perform internationally, launch podcasts, engineer real-world solutions, and bring their projects to reality. This … Read more

Listening to the land: bringing Indigenous knowledge into practice

Juniors in Cornell’s landscape architecture design studio are taking on a tall challenge this fall: to imagine the future of Seneca Meadows, New York State’s largest landfill. The landfill is currently seeking a permit to expand its current operations, increase the landfill height by 70 feet (making it equivalent in height to a 35-story building), … Read more

Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation: teaching the way people learn

Steve Jackson, Cornell’s vice provost for academic innovation, has a big job. For the past year, he’s been working to ensure that teaching in university classrooms, labs, studios, and field sites is aligned with what the latest research tells us about how people learn best. And, that teaching at Cornell carries forward the core values … Read more

Listening in: Bioacoustics class records the sounds of Hawaiʻi

The founder of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Arthur Allen, made the first-ever recording of bird songs in 1929. Since then, the Cornell Lab has been recording and analyzing animal sounds, including those of birds, frogs, fish, insects, and mammals like whales and elephants. Increasingly, sound is being used as a tool for conservation—both to … Read more