Event Details


Judy Gleklen Kopff (Arts ’68) and Gary Kopff (MPA ’71) and the Cornell Club of Washington, DC, invite the Class of 2021 and transfer students to attend their annual FROSH STUDENT SENDOFF supper for new incoming students. 
Come eat, meet, and speak with fellow members of the Class of 2021, several current undergraduates, and local alumni/alumnae officers. A panel of current undergraduates and recent graduates will speak from 6:15 to 7:30 PM to provide first-hand information about campus life and to answer questions. We hope that you will join us! 
This “casual dress” event is for Cornell incoming first year and transfer students only.

Due to space limitations, we cannot accommodate parents, siblings, friends, or graduate students. Unfortunately, we also cannot accommodate other current Cornell undergraduates or Cornell alumni/alumnae.

August 13, 2017
Time: 5:15 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Home of Judy Gleklen Kopff & Gary Kopff, 2939 Newark St., NW, Washington, DC 
Register by: August 12, 2017

Event Questions?
Contact Judy Kopff  at judy.kopff@gmail.com
Registration Questions? Contact Karen Barnes at karen.barnes@cornell.edu