Event Details

Location: Coral Springs, FL

Hosted by Cornell Club of Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton

Register at https://www.paintingwithatwist.com/events/viewevent.aspx?eventID=1018332.

Thursday, February 16, 2017
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Painting with a Twist
720 Riverside Dr.
Coral Springs, FL  33071
Cost: $35
Come enjoy a unique painting experience with Cornell Alumni.  Painting With a Twist – Wicked Moonlight provides a unique, creating, and entertaining class open to people of all skill levels.  Feel free to bring your own beverage and snacks – wine, beer, and liquor are all welcome!
CLARIFICATION: When you register at the link above, choose how many people are coming in your party and click “reserve these seats.”  You will be prompted to complete additional information, and where you are prompted “Who do you want to sit with?”, click on the bubble that states: “I would like to sit with:” and type: “Cornell University.”
For event information, please contact Marie Parks (mcparks86@gmail.com), or Paula Villarraga (mpv26@cornell.edu).