Event Details


DATE: Tuesday, April 25, 2023
TIME: 6:00 PM
COST: Free
LOCATION: Zoom (Link sent in via confirmation email)

For event questions, contact Erica Call

Cornell’s Adirondack fisheries research efforts are conducted in collaboration with partners from other academic institutions, state and federal agencies, and private stakeholders. Little Moose Field Station, located near Old Forge in the southwestern Adirondacks, serves as the field headquarters for research in the Adirondack Mountain region of New York.

The Adirondack Fishery Research Program investigates ecosystem processes in lakes and streams throughout the Adirondacks that influence coldwater fisheries – with a strong focus on salmonine fishes, including trout, char, and salmon. Our research efforts are designed to provide recommendations for managing and restoring aquatic ecosystems. The program also provides educational opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students to obtain experience in conducting field studies within lakes and streams.

Dr. Thomas Detmer (Tommy) is a broadly trained aquatic ecologist whose research is primarily focused on promoting healthy aquatic ecosystems and sustainable fisheries. Tommy has experience working in a variety of ecosystems including reservoirs, lakes, and streams. In addition, he has a strong interest in laboratory experimental work and modeling as ways to explore underlying mechanisms of field observations. Questions he is focused on relate to the roles of invasive species, climate change, and habitat (both artificial and natural) as they relate to food web structure and function and fisheries. Tommy also enjoys working with students of all ages and stakeholders who are interested in exploring and protecting aquatic ecosystems and fisheries. Tommy’s overall goal is to contribute to sustainable conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems through research, outreach, and teaching.