Event Details


DATE: Wednesday, July 19th, 2023
TIME: 5:00PM- 9:00PM
COST: Free Event
LOCATION: Fouts Farm on Route 222 in Cortlandville

For event questions, please ask AnsbroM@tompkinscortland.edu
For registration questions, please ask Cecilia Reyes

The Cornell Women’s Club of Cortland County invites all Cortland County Cornell Alumni to join us for our summer picnic and business meeting to be held Wednesday, July 19, 2023.

We will be meeting at 5:00p.m. for a tour of Alumni Paul and Laura Fouts Dairy Farm so dress for the tour.

We will learn about all the modern dairying techniques the Fouts use on their farm as well as hear about the future of the farm as their daughter, also a Cornell Alumni, transitions to running the farm. Those not able to make the tour can gather at 5:30 and dinner is planned to be served at 6:00p. m.

The purpose of the Cornell Women’s Club of Cortland County is to further the interests of Cornell University Alumni Women. Our membership includes any person who has registered to study at Cornell University. We meet four times a year for gatherings featuring speakers, service projects, food, and fun! Join us at one of our meetings to find out about who we are and our programs for the year.