Event Details

DATE: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
TIME: 6:00 p.m. ET
LOCATION: Chef’s Buffalo, 291 Seneca St, Buffalo, NY 14204
COST: $15 per person

Per tradition, Buffalo-area CAAAN (Cornell Alumni Admissions Ambassador Network) volunteers and all interested alumni of Cornell are invited to our annual CAAAN Kick-Off Dinner, to be held at Chef’s Restaurant in downtown Buffalo on Wednesday, November 16 at 6pm.

While enjoying your choice of Chef’s delicious Italian specialties, you will have the chance to learn more about the CAAAN program (the program wherein alumni meet and talk with prospective students about the Cornell experience) while meeting other alumni and learning more about the Cornell admissions process. Many alumni attest that their role as a CAAAN volunteer is one of the most rewarding activities one can do as a Cornellian! The cost for the dinner is $15 per person, and attendees may order from the standard menu. A cash bar will be available. Please register in advance.

Event Questions? Please Contact Sarah Piskun at sap36@cornell.edu.