CCOB: Flexing Your Cornell Network – 2023
February 15, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
February 15, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
DATE: Wednesday, February 15 2023
TIME: 7:00 PM
COST: Free
LOCATION: Zoom (Link will be sent after you have registered)
For event questions, contact Tara Benedict
For registration questions, contact Trevor Schul
Being part of an alumni network is a unique way to connect with others who share formative educational and life experiences. As graduates of Cornell University, with its founding credo of “Any person, any study,” we are fortunate to belong to a vast, global network of accomplished individuals doing amazing things in every field imaginable!
We are pleased to offer the Cornell Club of Boston this opportunity to practice the crucial life skill of networking in a safe and supportive virtual environment.
Who Should Attend?
• People who love networking
• People who hate networking
• People who know they probably should be networking but aren’t sure how to start
• People who are new to the Boston area
• People who are considering a career change
• Really, any Cornellian who wants to grow their network and brush up on some skills
As we continue to navigate changing work and social environments, making connections has never been more important. Our professional and personal networks are vital resources that provide us with valuable information, feedback and support.
In this session, we will cover:
• Tips and resources about how to network effectively
• Forming meaningful connections in every phase of your life/career
• How to utilize the Cornell network specifically
Throughout our 90 minutes together, participants will have ample opportunity to connect with each other in breakout rooms. Most importantly, we’ll have FUN with networking!
Presenters: Tara Benedict ’01, and Laurie Stickels ’86
Our presenters met 16 years ago during a leadership development workshop at Harvard University, where they both work. Laurie was an instructor and Tara was a participant, and during a coffee break they discovered they not only both went to Cornell, but they also went to the same high school in upstate New York, and grew up 3 miles from each other! They have been friends and close colleagues ever since.
Laurie has worked for many years at the Center for Workplace Development at Harvard, where she facilitates professional development programs and coaches individuals on career advancement.
Tara works in Faculty Administration at the Harvard Business School, where she oversees various aspects of the faculty recruitment and appointments processes. She is also a member of the Board for the Cornell Club of Boston and serves on her Cornell Class Council.
Both are natural networkers, and genuinely love to help people make meaningful connections. They are thrilled to have this opportunity to present this workshop for the Cornell Club of Boston!