Event Details

Location: Reno, NV

Thursday, October 20, 2016
6:00 pm

Napa Sonoma Grocery Company
West Plumb Lane, Suite E
Reno, Nevada  89509

International Spirit of Zinck’s Night is Cornell’s world-wide, annual social event, founded in honor of Ithaca saloonkeeper Theodore Zinck’s, held the third Thursday of October.

The spirit of Theodore Zinck arrives once again to Northern Nevada. Join fellow Cornellians at the Napa Sonoma Grocery Company in southwest Reno on Thursday, October 20, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Appetizers will be served – all are invited to celebrate in this tradition!

For event questions, please contact Judy Prutzman at Judyprutzman@gmail.com.

For event registration questions, please contact Donna Carl at dc37@cornell.edu.