Event Details

Location: Prairie Village, KS

Join with fellow Cornellians, friends of Cornell and alumni from the University of Virginia at the Fall Cornell/UVA Book Club gathering Sunday, October 16, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

FROM:  Antioch Library
TO:  Home of Marty and Dianne Lustig, 8935 Linden Lane, Prairie Village, KS 66207
In concert with the UVA Club of Kansas City leadership we selected the recently published novel Chasing the North Star by award winning and best selling author Robert Morgan. Morgan has been a professor at Cornell since 1971 and is now the Kappa Alpha Professor of English. He is widely recognized as an outstanding novelist, poet, essayist and short story writer.
According to the book cover jacket, ” Robert Morgan brings to full and vivid life the story of Jonah Williams who …flees the South Carolina plantation on which he was born a slave … .Bristling with breathtaking adventure, Chasing the North Star is deftly grounded in historical fact yet always gripping and poignant as the story follows Jonah… through the close calls and narrow escapes of a fearsome world.”
The book is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other outlets and book stores and is published in hardcover or Kindle and Nook format. It is 309 pages in length. Ithaca, New York serves as a location for a portion of the story.

For event questions, please contact John Rasmus at jcrasmus@gmail.com.

For event registration questions, please contact Donna Carl at dc37@cornell.edu.