Event Details

This is the event preview in the event information section.

Schedule of Events

Friday, October 14, 2016

6:00pm: Meet in the Tradition Room (Schoellkopf Memorial)

  • Tour Schoellkopf Memorial Hall Facility and other areas of Athletics.

6:30pm: Cocktails and heavy hors d’ oeuvres in the Tradition Room

  • Coach Archer will briefly address the group

 Saturday, October 15, 2016

10:30am: Tour of Friedman Strength and Conditioning, presented by Coach Tom Howley

11:00am: Meet at the CFA Tailgate Tent in the Crescent Lot

  • Enjoy food, drink and camaraderie

1:30pm: Cornell-Sacred Heart Football Game

  • Form Pre-game tunnel to welcome the Big Red to the field

  • Half-time introduction of reunion attendees and official reunion photo

4:30pm: Gather in the Harkness Room for light fare, beer and wine.

7:30pm: Red/White Hockey Game

The registration cost for the weekend is $65 per person and includes a commemorative hat and entry to all functions.

Hotel Information

Courtyard Marriott – $199 per night

Book your group rate for Cornell Football Mid-60’s Reunion 

University Best Western – $169 per night

Call 607-272-6100 and ask for the Mid-60s block.

If you have
any questions, please contact Dave Mellon at dave.mellon@att.net or 949-489-8378.