Event Details

Location: Atlanta, GA

CAAAN Accepted Student Reception – April 10
The Atlanta Cornell Alumni Ambassador Network (CAAAN) is a dedicated group of alumni volunteers who represent Cornell to high school students and counselors at college fairs and in individual student information meetings.  Led by David Levitan ’83, they do a remarkable job of attracting very fine applicants to Cornell.  Now the acceptance letters have been sent and CAAAN’s last step in turning accepted students to matriculates is the annual accepted student reception.

Come meet students accepted for the incoming class of 2020 on Sunday. We’d like to have a few alumni come at 12:30 pm to help with setup and/or stay behind for a few minutes to clean up. Other alumni, please arrive by 1:15 pm.

Date: Sunday April 10, 2016
Time: 1:30 to 3:30 PM
Place: At the home of Tim and Karen Dick
1194 Kendrick Road, NE
Atlanta, GA  30319
RSVP: David Levitan ’83, davidlevitan@comcast.net