Event Details


Stress may seem like the new normal, but we can change that! Recent neuroscience research may be the key to helping us become more resilient. Please join our co-presenters, Yassir Islam and Jarret Jackson, as we explore how we respond to stress and what we can do about it.

One key foundation of resilience is presence–having a deeper internal self- awareness that goes beyond mindfulness. This allows us to relate to ourselves and others more authentically. Yassir Islam will share some distinctions on how being more present can help you bring your whole self forward to navigate the challenges we now face.

Jarret Jackson will briefly talk about how our brains and bodies respond to stress (don’t worry – he took Bio for non-majors) to shed light on what we can and cannot control and change. He’ll use that as the foundation for exploring additional techniques we can do for ourselves and others to feel better in these uncertain times.
The presentations will be followed by Q&A and a collective meditation session.

About Our Presenters:

Jarret Jackson (HumEc ’01) is the CEO of Magpie Insights. He developed the MAGpie approach to empathetic management over the past two decades by bringing insights about motivation and leadership from psychology and neuroscience to his work as a management and strategy consultant, entrepreneur, and financial services executive. Prior to MAGpie Insights, Jarret served as vice president and head of data-driven insights for Fidelity Investments’ Stock Plan Services business, a function he developed and built from the ground up. As a senior manager at Ernst & Young, he established a new business line, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, for the East Central region. Earlier in his career, Jarret helped C-level executives develop their strategic agendas and drive large-scale organizational transformations. Jarret received his BS in policy analysis and management from Cornell University and his MBA from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. For more information please visit www.jarretjackson.com.

Yassir Islam (CALS ’88) is a certified Co-Active coach who helps people and organizations lead more powerfully and have a greater impact in the world. Yassir was previously Head of Communications and on the management team for HarvestPlus, a global program focused on agriculture and nutrition. He received the 2016 Ajay K. Ojha Volunteer Service Award from the Mayor of Washington D.C. for his contributions to the South Asian LGBTQIA+ community. For more information please visit www.yassirislam.com.

12:00PM ET/ 9:00AM PT


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