Event Details

The Cornell Entrepreneur Network presents

Entrepreneurship: Inside the Experience

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 | 6:00 PM | Boca Raton, FL

Through acquisitions and failures, Cornell Alumni Entrepreneurs continue to pioneer, evolve, and raise the bar – leading to amazing stories to tell. Every experience different. Each an edge-of-your-seat adventure. They’ve fought the odds, sold for millions (sometimes!), and keep going back for more. Get an insider’s look at these journeys while making Cornell connections at the Boca Raton Innovation Center (BRIC).  


Adam Berk HOTEL ’01, CEO, Stem Holdings
Dan Cane CALS ’98, CEO & Co-founder, Modernizing Medicine
Yve-Car Momperousse CALS MPS 14, CEO & Co-founder of Kreyol Essence
Michelle Y. Talbert HumEc ’00, Founder & Chief Curator, Her Power Space

Cost: $35

6:00 PM Reception and Networking, 7:00 PM  Panel Discussion, 8:00 PM Open Mic Opportunity, 8:10 PM More Networking, 9:00 PM Event Concludes

Venue: Boca Raton Innovation Center (BRIC), 5000 T-Rex Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33431