Event Details

Location: Houston, TX


Saturday, November 9th | 9 AM – 12 PM | McGovern Centennial Gardens
(1500 Hermann Dr, Houston, TX 77004)

Ages: Volunteers of all ages are welcome! Kids must be accompanied by a guardian and the garden will accommodate any physical restrictions you may have.

Projects: We will be participating in projects that range from weeding, mulching, raking trails/grounds to removing invasive plants (there will be more options for people that can’t bend down or have other needs to be considered). Projects are subject to change depending on the needs of the park at the time our group comes.

What to Wear:  All volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes and long pants; weather appropriate clothing that can get dirty, wet, or muddy.  Please do not wear shorts, halter tops, or clothing with references to alcohol, drugs, or sex.  No sandals or flip-flops. Volunteers should wear cool and comfortable clothing.

What to Bring: Individual water bottles, completed HPC waivers/photo releases for all participants.

The garden will provide us with: gloves, tools, and a cooler of water with paper cups. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own tools or to donate tools as a means to replenish HPC’s limited supply.

We will meet at the Cherie Flores Pavilion entrance (adjacent to Parking Lot C where you should park) of McGovern Centennial Gardens, and then walk as a group to the Family Garden where we will receive instructions from a staff facilitator on where to sign in and details concerning the project for the day. This is also where we will receive gloves and tools.

Again, please bring a completed waiver and photo release with you on the day of the event.

RSVP to Genesis Longo.