Event Details

Location: Sacramento, CA


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Iron Horse Tavern
1800 15th St, Sacramento, CA 95811

General Attendees – $25 per person
Young Alumni (Classes 2010-2019) – $20 per person

Theodore Zinck was a saloonkeeper in Ithaca and his pub, the Hotel Brunswick, was a popular gathering place for Cornellians in the 1890s. After his death in 1903, several bars using his name continued to provide a haven for students. When the last “Zinck’s” closed in the mid-’60s, celebrating the spirit of Zinck’s became a favorite Thursday night Collegetown tradition of undergraduates. It wasn’t long afterwards that Cornellians continued the tradition in their hometowns. Alumni will celebrate this uniquely Cornell event in more than 80 cities around the world.

For event questions, please contact Brett Owens at brettmowens@gmail.com.

For event registration questions, please contact Donna Carl at dc37@cornell.edu.