Event Details

Location: Tucson, AZ


What: Steward Observatory talk about black holes, U. of Arizona campus, preceded by food at nearby Gentle Ben’s restaurant

Aaronson Memorial Lecture by Professor of Astrophysical Sciences Dr. Jenny Greene, Princeton University:  Tiny But Powerful: The Search for Intermediate-Mass Black Holes

Dr. Greene is a pioneer in the the work of finding the relationship between galaxies and the massive black holes they host in their centers.  Her enthusiasm and diversity of her research ensure her Aaronson Prize visit will attract wide interest.  Previous Aaronson speakers have come from Cambridge, UCLA, Yale, Cal Tech, Berkeley, and universities in Australia and The Netherlands.  She has also taught astronomy and math for non-majors.

When:  Monday, Feb. 18.  Gentle Ben’s 6:00 pm (optional), Steward Observatory 7:30 pm
We’ll finish dining at 7 pm, then walk to the lecture hall for the 7:30 talk

Where:  Gentle Ben’s, 865 E. University Blvd.
Steward Observatory (near the mall), 933 N. Cherry Ave. (south side of 2nd St. next to the white dome), Room N10

Parking:  E.g. at Second St. garage, 1340 E. 2nd St. (one-way east), between Steward Observatory and Gentle Bens

Cost:  Food and drink on your own.  Lecture free

Reservations:  Not required, but it would be nice to know about how many people will meet at Gentle Ben’s – contact Norm Schickedanz ‘68 at schick@wbhsi.net

To do:  Wear red!