Event Details

Join the NYC Cornellians at Duke’s UES! Between 6pm – 10pm, for our Holiday Trivia Party! 

Starting at 7 p.m., we begin our Cornell Holiday Trivia and then at 8 p.m., join in on Duke’s regular trivia night if you choose. Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! Form your own team ahead of time, or make new connections!

Your ticket price includes appetizer platters, and additional bar/food discounts all night. Duke’s UES is directly across the street from the new 2nd avenue subway stop on E. 83rd Street and 2nd Avenue.

Thursday, November 29, 2018
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Location: Duke’s Upper East Side, 1596 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10028
Cost: $30 per person
What’s included: Appetizers, bar/food discounts