Event Details

Location: Miami, FL

 This event has reached capacity and registration is no longer available.  Please email Alyannah Kassam (Cornell Club of Greater Miami, Programming Chair) at ak698@cornell.edu and Micah Bell (Cornell Club of Greater Miami, President) at mab264@cornell.edu if you would like to be added to the wait list for this event.

September is Miami Spice Month and what better way to try out a new restaurant than with the Cornell Club of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys! On Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 7:00 pm, please come out and join us at Edge Steak & Bar (at the Four Seasons in Brickell) for this favorite and intimate annual event. Get the opportunity to meet the newly elected board, reminisce on your Cornell experience, learn about opportunities to get involved, and network with alumni in the Miami area. We are limited to 20 attendees for dinner so we encourage you to register as soon as possible.

If you plan to attend or have any questions, please email Alyannah Kassam (Cornell Club of Greater Miami, Programming Chair) at ak698@cornell.edu and Micah Bell (Cornell Club of Greater Miami, President) at mab264@cornell.edu. CU there!

For event registration questions, please contact Donna Carl at dc37@cornell.edu.