Event Details

Location; Lake Forest, CA

Saturday, August 11th at 5:30 PM

What:  Enjoy a typical New England Clambake with Cornell Alumni from across Orange County.  We will be steaming live clams and boiling live lobsters as part of this fun outdoor summer feast.  Starts at 5:30, Dinner at 7:00 and Dessert at 8:00 just after sunset and with the moonset.

Cost:  $50.00 per person which includes an entire lobster (or a generous steak).

When:  Saturday, August 11th

Time:  5:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Where:  This event is hosted by Harris and Linda Hunt at their home in Lake Forest.
The event address will be emailed out to those who have RSVPed and paid via the link below.

Menu:  Steamed Clams, Choice of Lobster or Steak, Corn on the Cob and Cole Slaw

Bring:  It would be nice to bring bottle of wine and a pie to share.

To RSVP:  Use the link below to RSVP and pay online.  Space is limited.

RSVP before July 31st and remember to specify Steak or Lobster.  Thank you!!

If you have any questions or want to volunteer to help cook and serve, please reach out to Harris Hunt (hhhunt@me.com).

Can’t wait for this experience!  Hope to see you there!

Click on this link to RSVP and pay.