Event Details

Location: Sarasota, FL

Cornell’s Public Service Center Annually Sponsors This Opportunity To Give Back To Our Local Communities

We have two non-profits we are helping this year as our Cornell Cares!

The first is Everyday Blessings. They take in children from infants to age 18 who have been removed from families because of abuse, abandonment, or illegal activity in the home.
Twelve children stay in a “home” environment with wonderful personnel who live with the children as surrogate parents.

The second is the Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary.

We are taking the children from Everyday Blessings for an afternoon of fun and learning about the exotic cats and other native wildlife that have been rescued by this organization and given a permanent home.

Children will learn the importance of rescue and habitat preservation and have an opportunity to feed the Big Cats.

We need some of our alumni (and their children if they wish) to be the hosts of the Everyday Blessings Children.
Staff from the organization will also be with them.

When: Saturday, January 6, 2018

Where: The Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary
7101 Palmer Boulevard

Time: 1:45 p.m.
2:00-2:45 p.m. The Big Cat Show
2:45 – 3:15 p.m. Private Tour
The facility closes at 4:00 p.m.

Adults (13+) – $15
Children (3-12) – $3.50
If a family brings a second child  they are free.
If there are any additional children in that family there will be a charge of $3.50 each.
Children under 3 – free

Popsicles for the guests to enjoy ($3) and Feeding Cups to offer food to the animals ($1 and $1.50) may be purchased at the site.

RSVP by Friday, December 22.

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