Event Details

Flower lovers rejoice!

Come learn the art and science of floral design from one of Colorado’s most sought-after high-end designers.

WHO: Chuck Hutson, a floral industry veteran, runs Denver’s most discerning studios out of a space in the Santa Fe Arts district. He is a skilled and passionate educator and will take us through an overview of the floral business, a look at the bounty of autumn flowers and guide us through creating stunning, customized floral studio.

Do flowers make you happy? Do you have someone special in your life that you would like to present with a captivating bouquet of blooms? If you answered yes to this or you are just a cool, culturally curious person, then you will want to make sure to sing up now.

WHEN: Friday, September 13 // 6:30pm – 8:30pm

After the class, we will head to ESP HiFi, a Japanese style listening room with delicious cocktails, N/A drinks and a highly intriguing wine list. ESP HiFI boasts a ridiculously good vinyl collection and world class sound system.

WHERE: Hutson Floral Studio // 910 Santa Fe Dr #104, Denver, CO 80204
(Walk into open courtyard and the

WHY: Who doesn’t appreciate flowers? Kick off your weekend with a singular experience.

TICKETS: $85/pp, including a generous self-designed floral bouquet of seasonal blooms set in a gorgeous vase.

BYO Beverages! To keep the cost of this unique experience as accessible as possible we will not be providing wine or beer…. but reach out and we would be glad to make recommendations at all price points and styles!

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